Several local businesses and merchants offer discounts to Radford University employees. When you shop in the local area please ask if they offer a discount. Often time discounts are made for special limited or one-time promotions. We also encourage you to look for and support local businesses that display the Radford University ONE Card decal on the door.
List of local merchants that accept Radford University ONE Card as payment | ONE Card Website
The Commonwealth of Virginia maintains a listing of various companies that offer state employees a wide range of employee discounts. These discounts include car rentals, entertainment, financial services, health and fitness, weight watchers, and many, many more. Please visit Employee Discounts to take advantage of available cost-saving discounts.
Banking Solutions:
When you enroll in Solutions Banking, you'll have access to tools, information and products to help manage current money matters and you'll enjoy exclusive account benefits From Atlantic Union Bank.
Atlantic Union - Solutions Banking Flyer
Financial Education | Website
Founded in 1975, Community Housing Partners (CHP) provides quality-built, responsibly managed, service-enriched homes for low-income individuals and families right here in the New River Valley. CHP, a nonprofit, offers a wide range of services including real estate development, construction, energy services and training, asset management, property management, realty and homeownership, and comprehensive resident services.
CHP can help guide you on your journey to homeownership or they can help you find
that perfect new rental. Visit their website to learn more about the programs, education, and counseling available. Visit the
For Rent section of their website for updated listings. A CHP office is located in Christiansburg.
From start to finish, CHP is there to make the dream of homeownership a reality.
Legal Resources can provide 100% coverage on a broad range of legal services such as traffic violations, buying a home, home refinances, estate planning, home sale, elder law advice, and much more. You can protect yourself and your family for only $8.25 per pay period. That is a great price for peace of mind.
Please review the interactive brochure or the plan benefit to find out more. You can call member services at 800-728-5768, go to at any time with all your questions.
Virginia529 is a tax-advantaged savings plan that can help you save for future qualified expenses for your children, your grandchildren, or even yourself. Your contribution of up to $4,000 annually will grow free from both state and federal taxes and may be used at eligible educational institutions around the country, not just in Virginia.
To learn more please go to