Our Post-Award staff assists in administering grant awards. The approved budget, which is included in the proposal and approved by the sponsor through a Grant Award, is the financial plan for the project. You should refer to it and other award documents throughout the life of the award. Some sponsors will allow you to re-budget into other categories. Please contact our office if you need to re-allocate your budget.
Once a grant is awarded, the Grants Specialist will create an interactive spreadsheet that will provide the most accurate budget balance. This spreadsheet is available to the PI at any time by mapping to a shared drive. The PI or their designee should enter expenditures into the spreadsheet as well as eVA, Banner, or Chrome River. The Grant Specialist will review and approve the entries as well as perform a monthly reconciliation to Banner. This will provide a more accurate reading of the grant balance.
Mapping Instructions:
Grants Specialists will consider the following before approving an expenditure:
If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, then the grants specialist will contact the PI and/or person requesting the expense to discuss the issue. Some options in this situation:
** Personnel costs should be included in the approved budget and all personnel forms should have start and end dates within the award period.
PR23 - Personnel Action Authorization (found under ‘Supervisors’ in the Forms & Documents section); This form is used to establish a position, review position for possible role changes, and to hire an employee in a temporary position. The PR23 is not required to hire a currently enrolled student.
PR40 - Personnel Action (found under ‘Supervisors’ in the Forms & Documents section); This form is used to initiate personnel payments.
I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification (found under ‘New Hires/Onboarding’ in the Forms & Documents section); This form must be completed before an employee can begin work. It is completed online using I-9 Advantage. An email will be sent to all new hires by the Human Resources department with instRadford Universityctions.
Follow all Radford University Travel Guidelines, unless your sponsor’s guidelines are more restrictive.
Use the correct grant budget code to ensure the travel preapprovals and expense reports get routed through the Sponsored Programs and Grants Management office for review and approval.
All purchasing requisitions need to be entered in eVA and approved prior to payment. Please visit the Radford University Procurement and Contracts website for the most current purchasing policies and procedures.
Use the correct grant budget code to ensure that purchase requisitions get routed to the Sponsored Programs and Grants Management queue for review and approval.
90 Days
60 Days
30 Days
End of Grant