Radford University is required by federal regulations to ensure all personnel (students, staff, and faculty) involved in the use and/or care of vertebrate animals in research, testing, and teaching, are qualified to perform their duties.
The IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) oversees all research on vertebrate animals. Before you can officially begin conducting research with vertebrate animals, you need to get trained, certified and added to your faculty member’s animal research protocol.
In addition to any protocol specific training provided by your Principal Investigator (PI), training is all online, with a couple of additional parts to take care of:
An additional piece to the puzzle related to conducting research using vertebrate animals is your enrollment in the Occupational Health and Safety Program (OHSP).
Enrollment in OHSP is required for all students, faculty and staff who work with animals at Radford University.
OHSP training, information about the program, and required forms to be completed may be found on Radford University's Desire 2 Learn (D2L) platform.
If you do not have Adobe or cannot get the signature function to work for you properly, fill out the forms, print them, sign them, and then upload a scan or photo of the signed forms (all pages!) to the secure Dropbox.
Your professor, the PI on the protocol, must provide documentation for protocol specific training on all personnel listed on an IACUC protocol using the Protocol Specific Training Record.
A copy of the completed training record must be kept in the lab with a hard copy of the approved IACUC protocol.