Verification of enrollment status may be required by students who seek to continue
insurance coverage, postpone repayment of student loans, acquire certain benefits,
or become eligible for scholarships.
Enrollment and Degree Verifications may be requested in the following ways:
Students can print enrollment verifications through the National Student Clearinghouse
fromOneCampus. Search for enrollment verification and select the Request Enrollment Verification
Print and fill out the Enrollment Verification Request form [PDF] and submit to our office by fax 540-831-6672, mail to Box 6904, Radford, VA 24142, or drop off to 105 Heth Hall. Verifications will be
mailed to the address indicated on the form, or they can be picked up in our office
with photo identification. Requests are generally processed within 3 to 5 business
days from the time of receipt. Please note student signature is required to release
any grade information or for students who have restricted their information.