The Center’s leadership, faculty associates and police fellows contribute to the field through a number of different types of publications. A list of the most recent academic articles, books and book chapters, as well as reports, articles and guidebooks written by Center leadership and faculty associates are provided below.
For those publications listed, when available online, a link is provided to access the publication. If no link is provided, contact for access to the publication. For a complete list of publications for individual faculty, see their vitas on the Criminal Justice faculty page.
Clifton, S., & Hancock, K. (2025). Where’s the help when you need it? Examining accessibility to mental health resources among law enforcement. Police Practice and Research, 1–16.
Clifton, S., & McGraw, D.S. (2025). Are you satisfied? An examination of law enforcement job satisfaction, job stress, and police culture. Policing: An International Journal.
Callahan, J. T., & Clifton, S. A. (2025). Crime Stories: Assessing the Effects of Crime-Related Media on Support for Police. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1–17.
Sedgwick, D., & Clifton, S. (2024). Crime may “know no boundaries” but police departments do: Examining boundaries by rank in policing IORs in Southwest Virginia. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 1.
Clifton, S., Torres, J. & Hawdon, J. (2021). Examining Guardian and Warrior Orientations Across Racial and Ethnic Lines. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 36, 436–449.
Santos, R.B., & Santos, R.G. (2021). Proactive police response in property crime micro-time hot spots: Results from a partially-blocked blind random controlled trial. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 37:247–265.
Santos, R. G., & Santos, R. B. (2019). A four-phase process for translating research into police practice [PDF]. Police Practice and Research, 20(6), 585-602.
Clifton, S., Torres, J., & Hawdon, J. (2018). Whatever gets you through the night: Officers coping strategies after the high-profile line of duty deaths in Dallas and Baton Rouge. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(4), 871-885.
Owen, S., Burke, T., Few-Demo, A., & Natwick, J. (2018). Perceptions of the police by LGBT communities. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43 (3), 668-693.
Santos, R.G. (2018) Police organizational change after implementing crime analysis and evidence-based strategies through stratified policing[PDF]. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 12(3), 288-302.
Santos, R.G. (2018). Offender and family member perceptions after an offender-focused hot spots policing strategy [PDF]. Policing: An International Journal, 41(3), 386-400.
Smith, J., Santos, R.B., & Santos, R.G. (2018). Evidence-based policing and the stratified integration of crime analysis in police agencies: National survey results [PDF]. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 12 (3), 303–315.
Santos, R.B., & Santos, R.G. (2016). Offender-focused police strategies in residential burglary and theft from vehicle hot spots: a partially blocked randomized controlled trial [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 12(3), 373–402.
Santos, R.G. & Santos, R.B. (2015). An ex post facto evaluation of tactical police response in residential theft from vehicle micro-time hot spots[PDF]. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 31(4),679-698.
Santos, R.B., & Santos, R.G. (2015). Examination of police dosage in residential burglary and theft from vehicle micro-time hots spots[PDF]. Crime Science, 4(27), 1-12.
Santos, R.G., & Santos, R.B. (2015). Practice-based research: Ex post facto evaluation of evidence-based police practices implemented in residential burglary micro-time hot spot{PDF]. Evaluation Review, 39(5), 451-479.
Santos, R.B. (2014). The effectiveness of crime analysis for crime reduction: Cure or Diagnosis?[PDF] Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 30(2), 147-168.
Santos, R.G., & Santos, R.B. (2024). Let’s keep it simple. In N.E.A. Comrie & S.Y. Cutlar (Eds.), American policing: 2054: Advancing community policing over the next 30 years (pp. 40-43). U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services.
Santos, R.B. (2023). Crime analysis with crime mapping (5th Edition). Sage Publications.
Santos, R.B., & Santos, R.G. (2023). The role of technology in hot spots policing. In C. Utecht (Ed.), Current issues in policing (pp. 199-212). 2nd Edition. Cognella.
Santos, R.G., & Santos, R.B. (2022). A four-phase process for translating research into police practice. In The George Mason Police Research Group with David Weisburd (Eds.), Translational criminology in policing (pp. 15-32). Routledge.
Santos,R.G., & Santos, R.B. (2020). Stratified policing: An organizational model for proactive crime reduction and accountability. Rowman & Littlefield.
Santos, R.B., & Santos, R.G. (2020). Construction site theft and burglary in Port St. Lucie, Florida. In Scott, M.S. & Clarke, R.V. (Eds.). Chapter 22. Problem-oriented policing: Successful case studies. Crime Science Series. Routledge.
Owen, S.S., Fradella, H.F., Burke, T.W., & Joplin, J.W. (2019). Foundations of criminal justice (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press.
Santos, R.B. (2019). Critic: Predictive policing: Where’s the evidence? In Weisburd, D. & Braga, A.A. (Eds.) Police innovation: Contrasting perspectives (pp. 366-398). University of Cambridge Press.
Santos, R.B. (2015). Routine activity theory: A cornerstone of police crime analyst work. In M. Andresen & G. Farrell (Eds.) (pp 108-114). The criminal act: The role and influence of routine activity theory. Palgrave Macmillan.
Santos, R.G., & Santos, R.B. (2024). Operationalizing proactive community engagement: A framework for police organizations. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services.
Santos, R.G., & Santos, R.B. (2023). Proactive police response to domestic-related repeat calls for service. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services.
Santos, R.G. (2019). Community-oriented policing for police supervisors. USDOJ, Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services.
Fleming, C., Burke, T., & Owen, S. (2018, May/June). The police use of naloxone [PDF]. Police and Security News, pp. 32-38.
Owen, S. (2018, August). Active shooter events: Guidance from the National Fire Protection Association, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the Role of Unified Command. Virginia Criminal Justice Bulletin.
Heishman, H., Burke, T., & Owen, S. (2017, September/October). The use of textalyzer technology to curb distracted driving [PDF]. Police and Security News, pp. 54-57.
Owen, S. (2017, June). Continuity planning in emergency management. Is your agency ready? Virginia Criminal Justice Bulletin.
Pflanzer, H., Burke, T., & Owen, S. (2017). DNA facial mapping. Police Chief Online.
Santos, R.B., & Santos, R.G. (2017). Crime pattern bulletin study: Results. SmartForce.
Currant, H., Burke, T., & Owen, S. (2016, July/August). Touch DNA in criminal justice. Police and Security News, pp. 38-40.
Owen, S. (2016, November). Emergency management: Capabilities for consideration in exercise design. Virginia Criminal Justice Bulletin.
Pompa, D., Owen, S., & Burke, T. (2016, June). New technology benefits law enforcement by tracking sidearm use. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
Santos, R.G., Gregory, R., Cordero, L., & Richard, G. (2016). Collaborative Reform Initiative: An assessment of the Salinas Police Department [PDF]. USDOJ, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.
Grubb, C., Burke, T., & Owen, S. (2015, August). Using canines to address school violence. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
Burke, T., Owen, S., & Few-Demo, A. (2015, June). Law enforcement and transgender communities. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
Mason, C., Burke, T., & Owen, S. (2014, February). Responding to persons with mental illness: Can screening checklists aid law enforcement? FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin.
Owen, S., & Burke, T. (2013, July/August). Continuity of operations planning: Practical considerations for law enforcement [PDF]. Police and Security News, pp. 36-41.