CITL’s 3-part online course design, develop, and deliver series takes faculty members through the complete process of creating and teaching an online course. These modules were designed to be taken in series; however, RU faculty are free to take them in part or out of sequence. Each of these modules are designed to be a 3 to 5-week time commitment and are offered completely online via the D2L learning management system. All offerings are advertised via semesterly mailings to all RU T&R faculty members and are actively facilitated by CITL Instructional Design professionals.
This course takes you through developing an online course module using the backward design process. Using our Visual Design Plan, you will: write clear and measurable goals and objectives; choose activities and assessments that help students learn; align learning objectives, assessments, and learning activities; and, plan to use universal design principles in your classes.
Once you have a completed a Visual Design Plan, this course will help you create the module you have designed using the tools in D2L. You will: create course content and organize your course using D2L’s Course Builder; apply the basic rules of multimedia learning to your presentations; and, develop student engagement and assessment strategies using the tools available in D2L.
This module focuses on creating an engaging learning experience for your students. You will: structure an online course using D2L features that help students to navigate the online environment; establish teaching and social presence in an online course through the use of media and D2L features; engage students in the online environment using D2L features; and, provide feedback and assessments using D2L features.
We can modify and re-tool FDI offerings – or custom build an FDI module to suit the needs of faculty cohorts. Our custom catalog currently includes the following offering:
This course takes you through developing a course module using the backward design process with an emphasis on assessment, content, and objective alignment using our Visual Design Plan. This FDI is module is modality independent. Faculty participants can design courses (whole or in part) for online, face-to-face, or hybrid modalities as they progress through the Backward Course Design module.
What Participants Need
Department chairs, directors or individual faculty interested to learn more should contact the CITL at or 540-831-5974 to arrange a consultation. Announcements will be made via faculty email when registration opens for the FDI. Space and time is limited, and our trainers and developers are kept busy year-round so the earlier contact is made, the better.