The Operations component provides 24 hour patrol protection to the campus, parking
lots, residence halls and other properties owned or controlled by the university or
its foundation. RU Police Officers are vested with full law enforcement powers and
responsibilities, identical to the local police or sheriff's department in your home
community. The officers are trained at the New River Criminal Justice Training Academy
and receive additional in-service and specialized training in first aid, firearms,
defensive tactics, legal updates, human relations, sensitivity issues, and criminal
University Police share concurrent jurisdiction with the Radford City Police Department
for streets adjacent to the university property. University Police offer assistance
in all areas of the city when requested by the city police. University police officers
are responsible for a full range of public safety services, including all crime reports,
investigations, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents, enforcement
of laws regulating underage drinking, the use of controlled substances, weapons and
all other incidents requiring police assistance.
As a courtesy and to promote cooperation in combating crime, University Police share
information on arrests and serious crimes with all surrounding police departments
including Radford City Police. The serial numbers of all property stolen from campus
are reported nationwide through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Potential
criminal actions and other emergencies on campus can be reported directly to the University
Police by any student, faculty, staff member or visitor.
Police Sergeant
Police Department
Police Sergeant
Police Department
Parking Enforcement Supervisor
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Police Lieutenant
Police Department
Police Lieutenant
Police Department
Chief of Police
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Campus Service Officer
Police Department
Police Lieutenant
Police Department
Security Officer
Police Department
Communications Officer
Police Department
Communications Officer
Police Department
Office Manager
Police Department
Campus Service Officer
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Police Sergeant
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Director, Emergency Management
Police Department
Detective Sergeant
Police Department
Communications Officer
Police Department
Communications Supervisor
Police Department
Police Captain
Police Department
Communications Officer
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Police Officer
Police Department
Communications Officer
Police Department