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Students who are pursuing teacher licensure in secondary social studies must complete the following state and national competency tests before they will be admitted to the teacher education program:

  • Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA)

Students should try to complete these exams according to the following recommended schedule:

  • Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment: Freshman or Sophomore Year.
  • PRAXIS II: Junior Year (Fall Semester).

Learn more information about these exams:


Crash Course Modules 

Crash Course Modules contain basic information that may be helpful for students who want to brush up quickly on subject matter as they prepare for the PRAXIS II.


Carly Fiorina, former CEO Hewlett Packard
James Kitts, CEO Gillette Corp.
Martha Stewart, Businesswoman.
Chris Hughes, Co-founder of Facebook.
Sam Palmisasno, CEO of IBM Corporation


Wolf Blitzer, CNN Reporter
Charles Kuralt, former CBS Reporter / Author
Charlie Rose, Talk Show Host / Journalist


Steve Carell, Actor
Will Forte, Actor / Comedian
Sacha Baron Cohen, Actor / Writer
Edward Norton, Actor
Conan O'Brien, TV host
Jimmy Buffett Singer / Songwriter
Lauryn Hill Singer / Actress

Joseph R. Biden, 46th President
George W. Bush,  43rd President
John F. Kennedy, 35th President
Dwight Eisenhower, 34th President
Woodrow Wilson, 28th President
Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President

Legal Field

Elena Kagan, Supreme Court Justice
Sonia Sotomayer, Supreme Court Justice
Anthony Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice
Antonin Scalia, former Supreme Court Justice
Eric Holder, former Attorney General of the United States


Jackie Joyner Kersee, Olympic Medalist in Track & Field    
Grant Hill (former Pro Basketball Player / Atlanta Hawks Vice Chair)
Karem Abdul-Jabbar (Former Pro Basketball Player