The Senate shall maintain standing committees during the academic year. Based on Senator
indicated preferences, the Executive Council will establish the membership of the
standing committees. The committees and their areas of responsibility are listed below,
with the subcommittee structure, should one be established by a committee, not necessarily
as implied by the indentation:
Governance Committee
Faculty Senate Constitution
Amendments, By-Laws
University Internal Governance
Faculty Issues Committee
Post-tenure Review
Faculty Evaluation Procedures
Grievance Policies, Due Process
Faculty Morale
Part-Time and Adjunct Faculty
Professional Standards
Diversity Issues
Salaries and Fringe Benefits
Research, Professional Development
Academic Calendar
Release-Time Demands of Special Campus Programs
Fiscal Exigencies
Campus Environment Committee
Faculty and Student Needs
Facilities, Class Size
Physical Plant (New buildings, new uses for existing buildings)
Administrative Support
Enrollment Management and Planning
Recruitment and Admissions
Public Relations and Image Improvement
Catalogs and Other Publications
Summer School (also a concern under Faculty Issues and Curriculum)
Faculty/Student Quality Improvement Programs
Resource Allocation Committee
University Budget and Priorities
Long-Range Planning
Academic Resources
Technology Support
Departmental Equipment and Supplies
Grants and Contracts
Curriculum Committee
Academic Policies and Procedures
Probation and Suspension
Class Load
Undergraduate Curriculum
General Education
Requirements for Graduation
Degree Programs
Adding Programs
Dropping Programs
Merging Departments or Colleges
Creating Departments or Colleges
New Minors
Broad Curricular Changes
Program Evaluation
Graduate and Extended Education
Broad Policy and Curricular Changes in the Graduate College
Continuing Education
Adult Degree Program
Non-traditional Programs
Off-campus Courses and Programs
Coop Programs
Program Evaluation
One member of the Faculty Senate shall be included among the faculty representatives
on the following proposed University-wide committees:
Budget Allocation and Review
Diversity and Equity Action
Academic Policies and Procedures
If the committee as constituted already has a Faculty Senator in its membership, then
this representation is adequate; if there is no Faculty Senator among the regular
membership, the Executive Council will appoint a Senator to serve as an ex-officio
member of the committee.
One member of the Faculty Senate shall be included among the faculty representatives
on the following proposed academic affairs committees:
Institutional Review Board for the Review of Research on Human Subjects
Undergraduate Curriculum and Catalog Review
Graduate Curriculum and Catalog Review
Continuing Education
Professional Education
Graduate Studies
If the committee as constituted already has a Faculty Senator in its membership, then
this representation is adequate; if there is no Faculty Senator among the regular
membership, the Executive Council will appoint a Senator to serve as an ex-officio
member of the committee.
The Military Science Department shall have an ex-officio member of the Senate.
The immediate past president of the Faculty Senate shall serve as an ex officio, non-voting
member of the Executive Council, for one year following the end of his or her term
as president.
New business that is referred to the Senate after the deadline of the first meeting
in March shall be referred to and considered by the Executive Council of the Senate.
The Executive Council may then ask the Senate to suspend the rules and consider the
new business.
A senator may appoint a substitute representative from the same constituency. The
senator shall inform the President and the Secretary of the Faculty Senate in advance
of the meeting at which the substitute will appear. The substitute senator shall have
full voting privileges.
The President of the Faculty Senate shall meet quarterly with Chairs of the Senate
Committees to determine items of Senate business to be included in quarterly Board
of Visitors reports.
A member of the Faculty Senate who spends more than one semester performing functions
which do not include teaching at least one class or performing functions which are
not normally associated with teaching must resign from the Senate, with a replacement
to serve the remainder of the term. (Functions normally associated with teaching include,
for example, faculty development academic leave or other leave to do research.)
Senators representing Adjunct and Full-Time Temporary Faculty shall be elected for
one-year terms, with the election to be held at the beginning of the fall semester.
Representation will be on a rotating basis by college. Rotation of the colleges will
be made in alphabetic order by college name (as listed on the Academic Affairs web
site) beginning with the Fall 2008 semester. The two colleges for that year will solicit
nominations and each elect one representatives from their Adjunct and Full-Time Temporary
Faculty at the first college meeting held prior to the start of the fall semester.
If the college does not have Adjunct or Full-Time Temporary Faculty or if the college
is unable to identify one person willing to serve, representation will be sought from
the next college in the rotation until the two positions have been filled.
Delivery of written petitions may be physical or electronic. Petitions should describe
the problem, the action you want taken, and an electronic signature by signees including
signee name, department, and email address. A rolling forward email (showing all prior
replies) containing an itemized affirmation and agreement to the petition by each
supporter may substitute for electronic signatures.
The Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall publish the agenda for each regularly scheduled
meeting of the Faculty Senate on the official Faculty Senate website not less than
24 hours and not more than 72 hours before the scheduled start of the meeting. Once
posted, changes and amendments other than minor corrections shall not be made to the
agenda, except as provided for in Section VI of the Constitution.
Initial arguments by the presenter of a motion shall be limited to five minutes. Subsequent
discussion of motions shall be limited to three minutes per speaker. A Senator may
speak twice to a motion, but may only take her or his second turn after everyone else
has had the opportunity to speak.
Every meeting of the Faculty Senate must adjourn no later than one hour and twenty
minutes after its appointed starting time, unless a motion to extend the meeting time
is passed by a two-thirds majority. Debate on a motion to extend the meeting time
will be limited to 5 minutes, with no individual speech lasting longer than one minute.
At the conclusion of each term of the Faculty Senate, the chairs of the Standing Committees
of the Faculty Senate and the President of the Faculty Senate shall submit to the
Faculty Senate Executive Council a continuity report. This report should summarize
his or her committee’s continuing business, including details to assist the next person
to serve as committee chair in the coming academic year.