Radford University is the home of the Omega Chapter of the Rho Phi Lambda National Honorary Fraternity. Rho Phi Lambda is an honor fraternity dedicated to outstanding students within the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism. Members are inducted once a year based on class standing, grade point average, leadership and service. Students may apply their junior or senior year. Eligible students will be notified about the induction procedures. For more information contact Josh Carroll at jcarroll6@radford.edu or 540-831-7722. Requirements for nomination are below.
The student must show evidence of demonstrating knowledge, comprehension or mastery of leisure and recreation through study and experience from a professional preparation program. Undergraduate student must have
The student must show evidence of leadership. Leadership is defined as demonstrated authority and responsibility to direct the performance of activities of two or more people for the purpose of accomplishing explicit goals of an agency or organization. Leadership positions within the Radford University campus community, a community college, an agency, or to a larger community might include activities such as paid professional experience in a supervisory capacity, holding an office in an organization, leading an organized group, committee chairperson for a dorm, sorority or fraternity, director of a camp, event coordinator for an organization, and similar leadership experience.
The student must show evidence of service. Service should be in a position or in a capacity in the past two years that supports the continuing operation of a leisure agency or organization. This could include activities such as attending professional conferences, serving on committees, membership in professional organizations, or coaching a team. Applicants for Rho Phi Lambda must show proof of a service project within the six months prior to their date of initiation. Rho Phi Lambda members who wish to wear honors chords at commencement, must show proof of a service project in the six months prior to the commencement date.