The Pre-Health Advisory Committee provides advice for students seeking careers in health-related fields including dentistry, medicine, optometry,
occupational therapy, pharmacy and veterinary medicine. We are here to serve by advising
students on course selection, standardized exams, shadowing experiences and to provide
mock interviews.
Admission to professional schools has become very competitive. Professional schools
receive many more applications than the limited number of spaces in their classes.
Each year, many students meet the basic requirements for admission to professional
programs, but are not successful in gaining admission.
Those who are successful in gaining admission have exceeded the minimum criteria and
have acquired an impressive set of credentials during their college (and maybe even
high school) years. Serious students cannot start too soon to plan a course of study
and extra-curricular experiences in order to accumulate the strongest possible set
of credentials. Gaining admission to professional school is an involved process and
a goal that requires constant effort and attention.
Pre-health students typically major in one of the sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics
or Psychology); however, students from all majors (i.e. Art, English, History) have
been admitted to health-related programs. Since the major does not matter, and there
are no such majors as “Pre-Medicine” or “Pre-Dental” (and so forth), members of the
Pre-Health Advisory Committee provide expert advice to students seeking careers in
Students should meet with a pre-health advisor as soon as they choose health as a
profession. This means that if you are a freshman and you are considering a health-related
career, you should meet with a pre-health advisor your first semester at Radford University.