What sets us apart from other sciences is that the conclusions include a spatial component, leading to a better understanding of the world.
Studying geospatial science prepares majors for a wide variety of career opportunities in business, government, and education.
Career opportunities for geospatial science majors continue to grow as the field becomes more widely recognized by people outside the discipline. The applications of Geospatial Science range from natural and social sciences, to marketing and communications.
The U.S. Department of Labor predicted that geospatial jobs would be one of the three fasted growing sectors in the coming decades, giving graduates in Geospatial Science tremendous and diverse opportunities.
Watch the Geospatial Revolution videos (episode 1 - 4) on YouTube.
The Tree Ring lab has state of the art dendrochronology equipment for faculty and student research. For more information contact Stockton Maxwell, Ph.D.