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Facilities and Instrumentation

student and professor in lab


  • Combiflash Companion flash chromatography system
  • Dionex ICS-1600 ion chromatography system
  • Shimadzu 2010 GC with FID detector
  • Shimadzu 2010 GC with TCD and FID detectors
  • Shimadzu GCMS/MS TQ8040 (triple quad)
  • Shimadzu LCMS-8030 (Prominence UHPLC with PDA and triple quadrapole mass spectrometer)
  • Shimadzu Prominence UHPLC with UV and refractive index detectors
  • Shimadzu Prominence UHPLC with UV and refractive index detectors and fluorescence detector
  • Shimadzu Prominence Series HPLC with UV-Vis diode-array detector and ELSD-LTII evaporative light scattering detectors
  • Shimadzu QP2010 Ultra GC/MS


  • BASi electrochemical analyzer with C3 and CGME cells

Thermal Analysis

  • Parr bomb calorimeter
  • Perkin Elmer DSC7 differential scanning calorimeter
  • Perkin Elmer TGA7 thermogravimetric analyzer
  • TA Instruments DSC-2010 differential scanning calorimeter
  • TA Instruments Nano isothermal titration calorimeter
  • TA Instruments Q20 Differential Scanning Calorimeter
  • TA Instruments Q50 Thermogravimetric Analyzer

Inert Environment Related Equipment

  • Four stage oil diffusion pump
  • Magnetic susceptibility balance
  • mBraun Unilab 1200/780 glove box
  • Schlenk line

Biochemistry Related Equipment

  • Äkta start protein purification
  • LICOR 4300 DNA analyzer
  • Olis DSM-10 UV-VIS circular dichroism spectrophotometer
  • Wyatt Dynapro Nanostar dynamic light scattering instrument

Microwave Assisted Chemistry

  • CEM MARS microwave synthesis system
  • Milestone Ethos EZ microwave digestion labstation


  • Mettler MP50 melting point systems
  • Thermo Scientific flash HT CHNS-O elemental analyzer
  • Labconco Freezone 6 liter freeze dry system
  • Quantachrome NOVA 2200 surface area analyzer
  • Parr Instruments Series 4590 micro stirred reactor

Physical Testing

  • Mark-10 tensile tester


  • Glass blowing station