Temperatures in Virginia in the summer can range from the 70s to the high 90s during the day and the low 70s and 60s in the evenings and night.
Winter in Radford can be as pleasant as it is extreme. Though the temperature usually floats in the mid 30 to high 40-degree range during the winter, the temperature can sometimes go as high as the upper 50s and as low as sub-zero. (Extreme weather usually lasts for only about three weeks.) There is moderate snowfall during the winter and the snowfalls are sometimes accompanied or preceded by ice storms and strong winds.
Springtime is a beautiful time of the year at Radford University. The air is crisp and cool and the temperatures begin to rise slowly close to the end of February. When graduation time rolls around in spring, parents and students can usually expect to be sitting outside in a warm, comfortable temperature. The rainfall is moderate throughout the year.
The highest mountains in Virginia are, of course, located here in the southwest. Mount Rogers is the tallest, rising 5,730 feet. White Top is 5,520 feet. When driving to the top of these mountains, don't be surprised at what you'll find: snow on the ground as late as April and May! When heading to the high country sections of Virginia, expect temperature drops as much as 10 degrees.
Check the current weather in Radford.