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STAT 330

STAT 330
Statistical Packages

1. Catalog Entry

STAT 330
Statistical Packages

Credit hours (3)
Instructional Method:Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory.
Prerequisites: STAT 200 or 301

Consideration of statistical packages available at Radford University. Topics include accessing the system, editing, describing data sets via summary statistics and graphical displays, testing hypotheses in the normal theory one and two sample cases, simple linear regression and correlation. SAS, SPSS, JMP and/or R are studied.

2. Detailed Description of Course

This course is designed to acquaint students who have had prior statistical training with the statistical packages (analysis software) available here (SAS, SPSS, JMP and/or R). Topics included are: accessing the system, creating and editing files, describing a data set via summary statistics and graphical displays, testing hypotheses in the normal theory one and two sample cases, simple linear regression and correlation. Other topics will be chosen to fit the interests and statistical level of sophistication of the class.

3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The lecture format is used for the introduction to the computer system, creating and editing of files, and use of SAS, SPSS, JMP and/or R. Numerous data sets are supplied for the student to gain hands-on experience in the computer lab with creating and editing these data files, appropriate statistical analysis of each data set and reporting the results.

4. Goals and Objectives of the Course

The major objective of the course is to familiarize students with prior statistical training with some or all of the four statistical packages (SAS, SPSS, JMP and R) for computer analysis of research data.

5. Assessment Measures

Students will demonstrate content understanding via tests, homework problems, collaborative work in class, class discussion, and/or course projects

6. Other Course Information


Review and Approval

June 20, 2015