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EDSP 657

EDSP 657. Curriculum and Assessment of Students with Visual Impairments

Prerequisite: EDSP 650

Credit Hours: (3)

Provides students with knowledge and understanding of the educational assessment of students with visual impairments and additional disabilities including deaf-blindness. Students practice assessing and planning educational programs for students with visual impairments. Addresses assessment of technology for students with visual impairments. Examines determination of learning needs and appropriate learning media, relationship of assessment, IEP development, and placement. 


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course as described above will include the following topics:

· Historical Foundations

· Legal & Ethical Considerations

· Terminology related to assessment and evaluation

· Assessment and Evaluation Policies & Procedures

· Collaboration & the Assessment Team

· Gathering Background Information

· Types of Assessments for Students with Visual Impairments

· Formal /Informal

· Expanded Core Curriculum

· Learning Media Assessment

· Functional Vision Assessment

· Assessing Assistive Technology needs of students with visual impairments

· Interpreting & Applying Recommendations

· Interpretation and application of scores

· Creating IEP goals & Planning Activities

· Alternative Assessment for Students with Visual Impairments and other disabilities

· Ecological Assessment

· State Standardized Testing Requirements

· Specific tools for assessing Braille Skills

· Specific Tools for Assessing Social and Career Development


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course is delivered on-line. Learning activities in this class will include the following:

  1. Class lecture, discussion, and participation via synchronous face to face, web-conferences or videoconferences
  2. Video and other relevant interactive media presentations
  3.  Study and independent research
  4. Application activities, including regular assignments
  5. Written responses to posted discussion questions posted on D2L.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

This course is part of the Virginia Department of Education approved licensure program in Visual Impairment and is offered through the Statewide Training Consortium in Visual Impairment.

Goals, objectives, and assignments in this class address NCATE Standard 1c Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills and 1d Student Learning for Teacher Candidates. The following CEC and VDOE standard areas are also addressed:

· CEC Knowledge and Skill Base for All Entry-Level Special Education Teachers of Students with Visual Impairment (VI) Standard #7 Instructional Planning and Standard #8 Assessment writing.

· Virginia  Department of Education Teacher [VDOE]Licensure Standards  

· Professional studies requirements in Curriculum and Instructional Procedures

· Visual Impairment pre-K 12 requirements in Understanding of the foundation of assessment and evaluation with an emphasis on individuals with visual impairments

This course is designed to enable students to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of assessment tools and evaluation of students with visual impairments

            a. Administer, score and interpret assessments including norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, and curriculum-based individual and group assessments

            b. Utilize techniques to collect record and analyze information

            c. Use specialized terminology in educational assessment.

            d. Utilize specialized policies and procedures for screening, prereferral, classification and placement of students with visual impairments.

            e. Use specific assessments that measure learning modalities, functional vision, areas of the expanded core curriculum and learning media.

            f. Conduct assessments and interpret findings in the area of technology.

2. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the validity of individual tests, for use with students with    visual impairments and is able to:

            a. Apply ethical considerations, legal provisions, guidelines as related to the valid and relevant assessment of the diverse population of students with visual impairments.

            b. Demonstrate knowledge of the effect visual impairment plays in the validity of standardized assessments

            c. Utilize alternative assessment tools and techniques

3. Adapt and use a variety of assessment procedures, in evaluating students with visual impairments and deaf-blindness.

4. Demonstrate the ability to apply assessment data to plan and evaluate the educational program

 of students with visual impairments:

            a. Determine appropriate interpretation and application of assessment scores for students with visual impairment

            b. Demonstrate relationships among assessment, IEP development, placement and eligibility for vision services.

            c. Demonstrate knowledge of using assessment data to conduct diagnostic instruction.

            d. Use assessment information to develop literacy modality plans for students with visual impairments

            e.  Utilize assessment data to develop specific recommendations for modifications and accommodations for learning environments and educational materials.

            f. Create disability related records for students with visual impairments.

            g. Gather background information and family information relevant to the individual student’s visual and educational needs. 

            h. Provide information to families and related service providers about current student levels in all developmental areas.


Assessment Measures

1. Participation in at least three on-line discussions which require knowledge and application from readings.

2. Participation in at least five in-class activities that require interpretation of assessment data

3. Completion of Learning Media Assessment [LMA] and development of an assessment report.

4. Creation of a set of three goals with objectives and lesson plans based on the results of the LMA

5. Development of assessment kit with list of items to be purchased in the future and ordering information.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

2/27/09        New Course        Elizabeth Altieri