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EDSP 653

EDSP 653: Teaching Methods for Students with Visual Impairments

Prerequisites: EDSP 650

Credit Hours: (3)

Emphasizes methods of teaching compensatory skills, the core curriculum, and technology for use by students who are blind and visually impaired. Addresses curriculum development, adaptations, and teaching methodology for individuals with visual impairments. Provides information on adaptations within various educational programs and adaptation of general education classroom materials and procedures for children and youth with visual impairments.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course as described above will include the following topics:

  • Adapting the Learning Environment
  • Role of Assessment data in development of an appropriate learning environment for students with visual impairments.
  • Understanding how to increase visual access to the learning environment (optical and non optical devices)
  • Appropriate forms of technology to accomplish instructional objectives
  •  Planning, evaluating and revising comprehensive long term and short-term educational programs for students with visual impairment or blindness
  • Specialized Techniques and Materials for teaching Literacy Skills
  • Specialized Strategies for the Expanded Core Curriculum
  • Organization and study skills
  • Health and health issues
  • Adapted PE and recreation skills
  • Specialized Strategies for the Expanded Core Curriculum
  • Problem-solving
  • Alternative reasoning and decision-making skills.
  • Career awareness
  • Vocational counseling
  • Daily living skills
  •  Identifying and using techniques and materials for the adaptation of instructional methods
  • Mathematics
  • Social Studies
  • Reading and Writing
  • Strategies for teaching students with VI and Additional Disabilities including students who are nonverbal and students with significant cognitive and or physical disabilities


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Learning activities in this class will include the following:

  1. Class lecture, discussion, and participation via synchronous face to face, web-conferences or videoconferences
  2. Video and other relevant interactive media presentations
  3. Study and independent research
  4. Application activities, including regular assignments
  5. Written responses to discussion questions posted on D2L.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

This course is part of the Virginia Department of Education approved licensure program in Visual Impairment and is offered through the Statewide Training Consortium in Visual Impairment.  

Goals, objectives, and assignments in this class address NCATE Standard 1b Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Skills, 1c Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills, and Standard 1d Student Learning for Teacher Candidates. The following CEC and VDOE standard areas are also addressed: 

  • CEC Knowledge and Skill Base for All Entry-Level Special Education Teachers of Students with Visual Impairment (VI) Standard #4: Instructional Strategies
  • CEC Knowledge and Skill Base for All Entry-Level Special Education Teachers of Students with Visual Impairment (VI) Standard #6: Language
  • CEC Knowledge and Skill Base for All Entry-Level Special Education Teachers of Students with Visual Impairment (VI) Standard #7: Instructional Planning
  • Virginia  Department of Education Teacher [VDOE]Licensure Standards  
  • Professional studies requirements in Curriculum and Instructional Procedures
  • Visual Impairment requirements in Understanding of service delivery, classroom and behavior management, and instruction

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate knowledge of effective educational planning and skills to create and manage appropriate teaching and learning environments for students with visual impairments.

                a. Use multiple sources of quantitative and qualitative assessment data to recommend:

                        i. curriculum adaptations and accommodations;

                        ii. instructional strategies;

                        iii. IEP goals

                        iv. educational materials;

                        v. specific modifications and adaptations for the learning environment of the student with visual impairment.

                b. Plan, evaluate and revise comprehensive long term and short-term educational programs for students with visual impairment based on standard and the core curriculum.

                c. Obtain and create, and organize specialized materials intended to implement instructional

                d. Design multi-sensory learning environments that engage the active participation of students with and without disabilities in individual and group activities.

                e. Incorporate teaching methods appropriate for students with limited English proficiency, those identified as gifted and talented and or with other disabilities.

                f. Teaching methods to promote academic progress and effective preparation for the VA Standards of Learning assessments.

                g. Methods for improving communication between schools and families and ways of increasing family involvement in learning.

    2. Demonstrate knowledge of instructional content and practice, specialized instructional strategies and appropriate accommodations.

                a. Understand how to increase visual access to the learning environment in the use of print adaptations and optical and non-optical devices. U

                b. Understand how to increase the non-visual access to learning environments

                c. Describe strategies for teaching alternatives to nonverbal communication

                d. Use specialized assessments and strategies, including the following, to teach the student with visual impairments:

                        i. Alternative reasoning and decision-making skills.

                        ii. Organization and study skills

                        iii. Health and health issues

                        iv. Adapted PE social and recreation skills

                        v. Daily living skills

                        vi. Career awareness

                        vii. Awareness of vocational counseling

                        viii. Problem-solving

                e. Identify and use techniques and materials for the adaptation of instructional methods and materials in the core for students with visual impairments.

                f. Choose and use appropriate forms of technology to accomplish instructional objectives for students with visual impairments and integrate technology into the instructional process


Assessment Measures

1. Participation in at least four discussions and activities in D2L.

2. Complete a curriculum project for an area of the Expanded Core Curriculum.

3. Design an adapted teaching unit with assessment measures for math, science, social studies, English or music.

4. Use assessment data to develop a technology plan for a student with visual impairments.

5. Develop an instructional game tied to VA SOLs in math, science or social studies.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

2/27/09            New Course        Elizabeth Altieri