RCPT 611: History and Philosophy of Recreation, Parks and Tourism
Credit Hours: (3)
Discussion of issue, problems, trends and principles as foundations of recreation
philosophy and education for leisure based living.
Course Objectives
- To enable the student to understand different historical periods and the influence
of leisure on each.
- To enable the student to develop an understanding of the significance of leisure throughout
- To enable the student to broaden his/her understanding of philosophical issues related
to leisure
- To enable the student to develop the foundations for a personal philosophy of leisure
- To enable the student to understand various approaches and/or methods for realizing
philosophical truths
Assessment Measurers
- Quizzes
- Class participation
- Assignments
- Final Exam
- Oral presentation and outline
Review and Approval
1980 New Course Approved
2/26/99 Course number changed from 411 to 511