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RCPT 435

RCPT 435: Tourism and Event Marketing

Credit Hours: (3)

Instructional Method Three hours lecture

Note(s) :  Applied Learning designated course.


An overview of marketing as applied to the tourism and events industries, including but not limited to: service marketing; customer service, promotion and publicity development, understanding customers and consumer behavior, target marketing, and development and uses of social media.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

Effective marketing hinges upon professional creativity that is targeted toward specific groups of potential consumers who are linked together by certain attributes. With the use of applied methods of reaching these target markets, a successful marketing campaign will resonate with these groups and capture an audience of consumers to become loyal customers. Marketing tourism experiences rely heavily on sharing potential experiences with consumers in ways that capture their interest and seemingly fulfill their needs or desires. Students will critically reflect upon professional approaches to marketing, identify a marketable entity, define a target market, tailor a marketing strategy for this market, and apply these skills with the development of social media, video, and paper-based marketing outputs that capture this market.

Major Topics

1. Introduction to Tourism Marketing

  • 1. Marketing Key Terms and Concepts
  • 2. Attract, Retain, Satisfy model
  • 3. The Marketing Mix

2. Understanding Consumers

  • 1. Customer Needs – Broad Stroke Process
  • 2. 7 P’s of Marketing
  • 3. Customer Development Model
  • 4. Target Markets – Market Segments
  • 5. Fulfilling Customer Needs and Expectations
  • 6. Quality Service

3. Marketing Tools

  • 1. Media Literacy
  • 2. Media Tactics and Tips
  • 3. The Marketing Plan
  • 4. Push vs. Pull Marketing
  • 5. The Power of Video
  • 6. Social Media in Marketing
  • 7. Paper-based Marketing Tools
  • 8. Branding
  • 1. Virginia Tourism Corporation
  • 10. Sponsorships vs. Partnerships

4. Marketing Campaigns

  • 1. Destination Marketing Organizations
  • 2. Convention and Visitors Bureaus
  • 3. Destination Management Companies
  • 4. Local and Regional Marketing Campaigns

5. Professional Opportunities in Marketing

  • 1. Market Analysis
  • 2. Social Media Expert
  • 3. Destination Marketing
  • 4. Promotion Packaging

Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course

Course instructional methods include but are not limited to: lectures, guest speakers, videos, hands-on learning, development of marketing outputs, collaborative learning, problem-solving, and discussion.

Students will identify a marketable product or experience, research target markets, develop marketing materials (e. g., video, social media, paper-based), and present this to their peers. Students and faculty provide valuable input and feedback during this process and students are given the opportunity to revise as necessary.

Student Learning Outcomes

Having successfully completed this course, students will be able to:

  • Critically reflect upon entry-level knowledge about the tools, techniques, and assets of a tourism promotion entity;
  • Apply marketing skills with the development of a marketing and promotion piece that utilizes professional development of multi-media components of text, audio-visual, and social media;
  • Demonstrate entry-level knowledge of tourism marketing strategies, positioning, segmentation, and targeting;
  • Understand simple customer service opportunities, problems, or issues, and utilize techniques to alleviate them.

Assessment Measures

Assessment measures may include but not limited to: quizzes/exams, projects, presentations, activities, reflections, and peer evaluations.

Other Course Information


Michalko, M. (2006). Thinkertoys: A handbook of creative-thinking techniques.

Ten Speed Press.

Michalko, M. (2011). Creative Thinkering: Putting your imagination to work. New World Library.

Selling Australia (2005). [electronic resource (video)]: Branding a country/ Film Australia Pty Limited. New York, N. Y.: Films Media Group.


Review and Approval

November 2005 Reviewed Susan R. Van Patten, Curriculum Chair

Revised March, 2010

Revised November, 2017

Revised June, 2023