NURS 810: Health Care Systems, Information Systems, and Business Practices
Prerequisite: NURS 800, NURS 802; or permission of faculty
Credit Hours: (3)
Explores foundations and principles of business, finance and entrepreneurship and
information systems of advanced practice nursing within the context of the larger
health care system.
Detailed Description of Content of the Course
1. Interrelationships among advanced practice nursing and organizational leadership.
2. Organizational systems and culture
3. Roles, scopes and practice models of different health care professionals.
4. Culture of the profession of DNPs.
5. Intraprofessional dimensions of healthcare and healthcare organizations.
6. Intraprofessional communication, consultation skills, and principles of consultation
7. Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies for improving clinical practice.
8. Quality improvement and risk management principles.
9. Informatics/Information systems/technologic systems that support research, quality,
improvement, management, education and practice.
10. Financial principles and management
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
May include but not limited to: lecture, faculty/student directed discussions, class
participation, reading assignments, computer exercises, application activities, study
and independent research, and other written assignments. Because the course is online,
audio or video presentations/lectures, discussion boards, chat rooms and other instructional
technology strategies may be used.
Goals and Objectives of this Course
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to
1. Articulate the interrelationships among advance practice nursing and organizational
2. Analyze the relationship among economics, finance structure, legislative process,
and outcomes of U.S. health care delivery systems
3. Assess the impact of various political strategies on advanced nursing practice
and DNP
4. Compare and contrast quality improvement and risk management principles.
5. Identify the informatics/technologic systems that support research, quality improvement,
management, education, and practice.
6. Analyze the roles, scope, and practice models of different health care professionals
7. Explore the culture of the profession of advanced practice nursing and DNP.
8. Articulate intra-professional dimensions of healthcare and healthcare organizations.
9. Utilize methods and patterns of effective intra-professional communication and
consultation skills.
10. Identify negotiation and conflict resolution strategies for improving clinical
11. Evaluate the cost effectiveness and quality of clinical initiatives
12. Develop a strategic plan and a business plan for a clinical initiative
13. Develop a capital and operational budget for a clinical initiative
14. Explain the role of entrepreneurship in advanced practice nursing
Assessment Measures
May include but are not limited to: class participation, presentations, computer
exercises, written papers, quizzes, and tests.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
Approved: April 2010