MUSC 643
Supervision and training for music therapists
1. Catalog Entry
MUSC 643
Supervision and training for music therapists
Credit hours (3)
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the MS in Music with a concentration in music therapy
program or by permission of instructor
This course is being designed to meet the advanced competencies for music therapists as outlined by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA). Topics addressed will include theories of supervision as they relate to the more specific practice of music therapy supervision, use of music to facilitate the supervisory process, cultural competence within the supervisory relationship, the impact of one’s own personality, and supervisory style on the supervisor/supervisee relationship, ethical considerations in supervision, and a critical evaluation of approaches and techniques for supervision.
2. Detailed Description of Course
Topics will address the required advanced competencies of the AMTA including A) How to establish and maintain effective supervisory relationships. B) The implications for and applications of theories of supervision through a review of relevant research on music therapy supervision. C) The promotion of the professional growth and self-awareness of the both the supervisor and supervisee. D) Methods of observation and evaluation of supervisees. E) Processes and techniques to support analytical analysis of supervisee’s music therapy sessions including specific musical, verbal, and nonverbal interventions, interpersonal dynamics and the interplay of the client/therapist relationship. F) Uses of music within the supervisory process.
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
Instructional strategies for this course typically include the following:
1) Traditional lecture-based format for the dissemination of theoretical, historical,
or field-specific
information related to supervision in music therapy, to include the AMTA Code
of Ethics,
Standards of Practice, and Advanced Clinical competencies as well as the requirements
set-forth by the Certification Board for Music Therapists.
2) Class discussions related to past and current supervisory experiences, which
will serve to
illuminate each student’s personal style of supervision and will address ethical
concerns that are
inherent within supervisory relationships.
3) Participation in experiential exercises that will provide access to different
techniques and
strategies that can be implemented in a supervisory setting.
4) A significant writing project involving a thorough review of current literature
providing a forum
for students to engage with the theory and practice of supervision as it relates
to their clinical
interests and or specialty.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
1) Establish and maintain effective supervisory relationships.
2) Promote the professional growth, self-awareness, and musical development of
the supervisee.
3) Apply theories of supervision and research findings to music therapy supervision.
4) Design and implement methods of observing and evaluating supervisees that have
effects on music therapy students and professionals at various levels of advancement
and at
different stages in the supervisory process.
5) Analyze the supervisee’s music therapy sessions in terms of both the effects
of specific
musical, verbal, and nonverbal interventions and the musical and interpersonal
dynamics and
processes of the client(s)-therapist relationship.
6) Use music to facilitate the supervisory process.
7) Apply knowledge of norms and practices of other cultures to the supervisory
8) Evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches and techniques of supervision.
9) Evaluate the effects of one’s own personality, supervisory style, and limitations
on the
supervisee and the supervisory process and know how/when to seek consultation
to address
these limitations.
5. Assessment Measures
Student learning outcomes will be assessed through a variety of methodologies. Within
the course, learning may be assessed through some or all of the following:
1) Written assignments (both inside and outside of class) related to course content,
the review of
current literature and/or class discussion. To include a final paper that
will synthesize the
learning objectives in a way that is directly applicable to each student’s
area of clinical
interest and/or expertise.
2) Active participation in class discussions.
3) Design and implementation of experiential exercises for implementation in a
6. Other Course Information
Readings will be derived from the major journals in music therapy and related healthcare fields including art therapy and dance/movement therapy and other allied health professions. As well as selections from texts in the discipline. There are no additional resources required for this course.
Review and Approval
May 11, 2015