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MUSC 309

I. Course Title: Chamber Orchestra

II. Course Number: MUSC 309

III. Credit Hours: 1 credit


V. Course Description: 

Opportunity to study and perform a variety of works written or transcribed for chamber orchestra.

Note(s): Humanistic or Artistic Expression designated course. May be taken again for credit. Open to qualified students.

VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:

The purpose of this course is to help students develop ensemble performance skills, sight reading skills, musical expression as a smaller orchestra, and understanding of cultural and historical aspects of this genre and the works performed. A stage performance will be held at the semester, demonstrating students’ progress throughout that period. This course is required for all music majors who study string instruments but also open to all qualified other music majors or even non-major students.

VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:

  1. Seating auditions
  2. Sight-reading of potential or selected concert music
  3. Preliminary rehearsal of potential or selected concert music
  4. Detailed rehearsal of concert music
  5. Final rehearsal in concert hall
  6. Concert Performance

VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:

The main goal for each semester is improvement in the areas of chamber music technique, exploring the repertoire, development of musicianship, and also historical and cultural, understanding of the music performed. Another important goal is development of professional discipline at both rehearsals and performances, as well as development of a professional partnership between members of the orchestra.

VIII. Assessment Measures:

Students will be evaluated on their individual professional development, including:

  • A. quality of preparation
  • B. attitude
  • C. constancy of home practice
  • D. ethical behavior
  • E. punctuality and constancy of attendance.

The final grade will be based on all of the above.

Review and Approval

March 01, 2021