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MATH 280

MATH 280: Problem Solving 

Prerequisites:  MATH 172

Credit hours: (3)

A problem-based course requiring techniques from precalculus, geometry, first-year calculus, elementary linear algebra and basic statistics.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

Problem solving requiring techniques from precalculus, geometry, first-year calculus, elementary linear algebra and basic statistics.

Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course

The course will ask students to solve problems requiring techniques from the areas listed above, including problems that require the integration of some or all of these areas.  Lectures will normally be presented only when necessary to introduce or review a solution technique.  Instead, classes will be primarily devoted to student presentation of solutions and discussion.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

The course has two goals for students.  First, students too often think of their major courses as unrelated, and are too infrequently asked to solve problems requiring the integration of techniques from various courses.  Once they graduate, however, they will be expected to use any and all available tools to attack problems.  This course is intended to help them understand the interconnectedness of mathematics and to teach them to choose appropriate tools for various problem types, including technology tools such as graphing calculators and computer algebra software.

The course is placed at the sophomore level because of its second goal: to help students in the Teaching concentration to pass the Praxis II exam.  Some of the problems and solution techniques considered in the course will be directly related to this goal.

Assessment Measures

Students will be assessed on their attendance and participation, both in presenting problems and discussing solutions.  Examinations and/or projects will be given.

Other Course Information



Review and Approval

November 7, 2017
New Course, March 2009 Review Jill Stewart, Chair