MATH 122
Math Content for Teachers II (GE)
1. Catalog Entry
MATH 122
Math Content for Teachers II (GE)
Credit hours (3)
A mathematics course for students interested in teaching careers in elementary, middle,
or special education. The course focuses on geometry, measurement, algebra, and statistics.
Emphasis on developing deep, flexible understandings of mathematical content, as needed
for teaching. The content of this course adheres to the National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics Standards and the Virginia Standards of Learning where they can appropriately
be applied.
Note(s): General Education and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning designated course. Will
not satisfy requirements for a major in mathematics. Students cannot receive credit
for both MATH 112 and MATH 122.
2. Detailed Description of Course
The following topics will be covered in Math 122:
1) Lines and angles
2) Polygons
3) Constructions
4) Solids
5) Symmetry
6) Transformations
7) Congruence and similarity
8) Area and volume
9) Measurement
10)Geometrical and numerical magnitudes
11)Relative position, ordinality
12)Conversions within standard and metric systems
13)Problem Solving and applications in geometric topics
14)Mathematical Reasoning
15)Mathematical communication with peers
16)Evaluating mathematical thinking
17)Using the language of mathematics
18)Making connections among math topics
19)Use of technology where appropriate
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
This course will be conducted as an exemplar of the teaching methods we wish the students
to acquire. These may include, but are not limited to, group learning activities,
discovery-based learning activities, mathematical modeling activities with the use
of physical and/or virtua l manipulatives, and opportunities to discuss mathematical
concepts in large and small group settings.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
This course implements the Virginia standards and the NCTM standards for mathematics
education. The primary goal is to prepare students for effective classroom teaching
in the elementary and middle school grades.
1) Students will acquire a deep and multi faceted understanding of the mathematical
topics presented, and
2) Students will be able to communicate the mathematical ideas involved clearly.
3) Students will examine and implement problem solving techniques appropriate
to the primary grades
Per Goal 5 of Radford University, students will be able to use the tools of mathematics
and quantitative reasoning to conceptualize and solve problems. Students will able
1) Interpret relationships among numeric, symbolic, and graphical information
as applied to the real world
2) Solve problems using numeric, symbolic, and graphical information
5. Assessment Measures
Assessments may include individual or group projects and/or presentations, writing
assignments, self or peer assessments, class participation, homework assignments,
quizzes, and/or tests.
6. Other Course Information
Review and Approval
July 2010
September 2, 2014
June 20, 2015
March 01, 2021