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LATN 201

LATN 201: Intermediate Latin

Prerequisite: LATN 102 or two years of Latin in high school

Credit Hours: (4)

Review of basic Latin grammar and syntax along with prose readings adapted to the level; study of relevant aspects of Roman civilization. This course has been approved for credit in the Foreign Languages Area of the Core Curriculum.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Graded readings of increasing difficulty; review of verb conjugation, noun and adjective declension, all types of pronouns, comparison of adjectives and adverbs, irregular verbs, participles and their uses, infinitives and indirect statements, special case uses, major uses of the subjunctive mood (jussives, purpose and result clauses, cum clauses, indirect questions, conditions, jussive noun clauses, fear clauses, potential and optative subjunctives), gerunds and gerundives; discussion of aspects of Roman civilization relevant to readings.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Student translation assignments will come from graded readings of increasing difficulty. Each lesson has exercises to practice and review grammatical concepts emphasized in each reading unit, so that basic grammar and syntax can be systematically reviewed throughout the course of instruction. Additional handouts may be supplied where useful. Each lesson will also require the learning of new vocabulary by students. Relevant aspects of classical civilization will be discussed and illustrated from time to time.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Basic course objectives include a review of the basic structures of Latin grammar and syntax; an increase in reading vocabulary and knowledge of Latin-derived words in English; practice in reading adapted Latin prose of moderate difficulty with the aid of notes and vocabulary; and study of relevant aspects of Roman civilization. With the completion of this course, the student should be able to read unadapted Latin of moderate difficulty with the aid of an annotated text and a dictionary.

Students will achieve a degree of competence in a foreign language and culture. 


Students will be able to:

a. demonstrate language skills appropriate to the level of study

b. analyze similarities and differences between their own and the target cultures

c. explain contemporary international issues from the perspectives of their own and the target cultures


Assessment Measures

(1) Vocabulary quizzes.
(2) Worksheets and quizzes on forms (e.g., irregular verbs).
(3) Hour-exams (three) and final exam will emphasize translation (Latin to English) of sentences and paragraphs studied previously in class. Students will also be required to do some explanation of English derivatives and Latin grammatical forms on exams. The final exam will include a passage of previously unseen Latin for sight translation (some vocabulary and notes supplied). Tests will include Latin passages that are based on various aspects of ancient life in addition to questions about cultural issues relevant to passages studied before each exam.
(4) Informal assessment of student needs and accomplishments will be done through classroom presentation of prepared assignments and unprepared exercises and translations done in class.

Quizzes, worksheets, and tests highlight the importance of language per se. Readings will incorporate various aspects of ancient life and history, Roman and occasionally Greek. Thus testing, class preparation, and class work will give students opportunities to learn and to demonstrate knowledge of cultural perceptions acquired through the study of Latin and classical civilization


Other Course Information

For students who have completed Latin 101 and Latin 102, this course will complete the B.A. language requirement. Other students may use it to satisfy the Latin minor, Classical Humanities minor, or Intercultural Studies minor.

A student with three to four years of Latin in high school should be able to take this class. A student with only two years of very good instruction and good grades may be able to do so also. The student who can begin with Latin 201 can complete the B.A. language requirement with this course and one additional Latin course beyond this level (only 7 hours total).


Review and Approval

September 2005 Reviewed Philip Sweet