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LATN 101

LATN 101: Elementary Latin I

Prerequisites: None

Credit Hours: (4)

Study of basic language structures and forms, pronunciation of classical Latin, English derivatives, and various aspects of Roman civilization. This course has been approved for credit in the Foreign Languages Area of the Core Curriculum.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Suggested topics to be included in Latin 101:

1. Grammar and syntax

            a. First, second, and third declension nouns and adjectives; fourth and fifth declension nouns, if time allows.
            b. Present indicative, present imperative, and present infinitive of regular verbs and the irregular verbs sum and possum.

            c. Pronouns (demonstrative, personal, relative, interrogative).

2. Pronunciation of classical Latin.
3. Classical civilization, especially Roman civilization - adapted readings, lectures, and slide presentations on such topics as Roman foundation legends, Vergil's Aeneid, the Roman Forum, Roman religion, Roman games and shows.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Classes will include:

1. discussion of new grammar and syntax;
2. review of grammar and syntax (in homework sentences, readings, other textbook exercises or worksheets done in class);
3. translation of assigned homework;
4. translation in class of short, very simple paragraphs in Latin;
5. practice in reading Latin aloud;
6. discussion of English derivatives along with vocabulary in each lesson;
7. discussion of aspects of Roman life relevant to textbook exercises and additional readings (myth, legends, historical figures, politics, private life, literature, etc.);
8. presentation of additional information on Roman civilization by means of short lectures, maps, charts, and slides.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

At the end of one semester, students will be able to read simple Latin sentences and paragraphs using verbs in the indicative and nouns of all cases in common constructions. Thus, objectives will include: mastery of some basic structures of Latin grammar and syntax; mastery of basic common vocabulary; improvement of English vocabulary through knowledge of Latin vocabulary and derivatives in English; an acquaintance with various aspects of Roman civilization.

Students will achieve a degree of competence in a foreign language and culture. 


Students will be able to:

a. demonstrate language skills appropriate to the level of study

b. analyze similarities and differences between their own and the target cultures

c. explain contemporary international issues from the perspectives of their own and the target cultures


Assessment Measures

1. Quizzes on new grammar and vocabulary.
2. Worksheets on forms and syntax.
3. Hour-exams (three) and final exam - identification and translation of Latin forms, translation (Latin to English) of sentences or short paragraphs (similar to or taken from work done previously in class), explanation of English derivatives, and questions based on aspects of classical civilization discussed in class (often in bonus form).
4. Informal evaluation of student performance through individual presentation of assigned sentences for translation (Latin to English) and discussion of various cultural issues.

Quizzes, worksheets, and tests highlight the importance of language per se. Readings will incorporate ancient Roman (and occasionally Greek) history and various aspects of ancient life. Thus testing, class preparation, and class work will give students opportunities to learn and to demonstrate knowledge of cultural perceptions acquired through the study of Latin.


Other Course Information

This course may be applied to the Latin minor, classical Humanities minor, and Intercultural Studies minor. Many students begin the twelve-hour B.A. language requirement sequence with this course. (Students with four years credit for high school Latin cannot get credit for this course.)


Approval and Subsequent Reviews
August 2001 Reviewed and Updated Salle Ann Schlueter-Gill