DSNI 125: Technical Drafting
Prerequisites: “C” or better in DSN 100 and DSN 110; 2.5 in-major GPA
Credit Hours: (3) Six hours studio
An introduction to the skills and techniques required in representing designed space and form using conventional architectural drawing drafting standards.
Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNI 120 and DSNI 125.
Detailed Description of Course
This course introduces students to basic drafting techniques, and develops skills in visualization of three-dimensional forms for the purpose of describing them in two-dimensional formats, including plan, elevation, section, axonometric and plan oblique representations. Topics include: use of drafting tools and techniques; introduction to orthographic and axonometric representation; architectural lettering; drawing organization, including sheet format and sequencing; and architectural graphic standards.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
Lectures reinforce and expand on information from assigned readings, and provide explanation and instruction on topics listed. Lectures may be augmented with video and hands-on demonstration. Studio sessions allow for the application of knowledge through structured skill-building assignments. Exercises will develop in complexity, and work toward the completion of a set of drawings, to include plans, elevations, sections, and schedules.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will demonstrate a:
1) Knowledge of architectural graphic conventions.
2) Basic skill in technical drafting and lettering.
3) Basic skill in translating three-dimensional space and form into two-dimensional
4) Produce competent contract documents including coordinated drawings, schedules,
and specifications appropriate to project size and scope and sufficiently extensive
to show how design solutions and interior construction are related. (6e)
5) An understanding that design solutions affect and are impacted by structural systems
and methods and non-structural systems including ceilings, flooring, and interior
walls. (13a, 13b)
6) Student work demonstrates understanding that design solutions affect and are impacted
by students are able to read and interpret construction drawings and documents. (13g)
Assessment Measures
Knowledge of lecture subject matter will assess through quizzes and studio exercises. A set of working drawings will be used to assess the student’s ability to clearly present design through conventional graphic representation.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
March 2010