ITEC 641
Distributed Database Management System
1. Catalog Entry
ITEC 641
Distributed Database Management System
Credit hours (3)
Prerequisites: ITEC 441 or ITEC 541
A study of distributed databases and distributed database systems. Includes examination of techniques for data fragmentation and replication, distributed query processing, distributed transaction management, and distributed concurrency control. Introduces issues of scalability and related solutions including cloud computing and noSQL databases.
2. Detailed Description of Course
1) Introduction to Distributed Databases
a. Need for Distributed Databases
b. Challenges associated with Distributed Databases
c. Types of Distributed Databases/DD Architectures.
2) Supporting Concepts in Computer Networks
a. Networking Overview
b. Network Topologies
c. The OSI Model
d. Common Protocols
e. The Internet and the Domain Name System
3) Designing Distributed Databases
a. Vertical and Horizontal Fragmentation
b. Data Replication and Replication Models
c. Designs for Semi-structured and voluminous data
4) Distributed DBMS
a. Distributed DBMS Architectures
b. Distributed Transaction Management
c. Distributed Concurrency Control
d. Distributed Query Processing
e. Distributed DBMS Security and Meta Data Management
5) Issues of Scale
a. Introduction to Scalability
b. noSQL databases
c. Streams
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
The course will be delivered in a lecture and discussion format with demonstration
and application of concepts using one or more enterprise level database management
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
At the end of the class, students must be able to:
1) Describe and apply general principles and concepts of distributed computing
and distributed
computing networks.
2) Design and implement distributed databases
3) Compare and contrast consolidated and distributed query processing and concurrency
4) Design efficient distributed transactions
5) Describe distributed database management reliability
6) Describe noSQL solutions to voluminous semi-structured data.
7) Identify and describe the advantages and challenges associated with data streams.
5. Assessment Measures
A significant component of the assessment must measure each individual student’s mastery of the conceptual and applied knowledge and skills described in the course objectives. Evaluations may include but are not limited to assignments, projects, presentations, quizzes, and examinations.
6. Other Course Information
Review and Approval
April 23, 2014