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ITEC 200

ITEC 200: Healthcare Information Systems

Prerequisite: None

Credit Hours: (3) Lecture

The course will cover the role of information systems in management and administration in the healthcare industry. Topics include role of technology, data communications, medical information storage and legal issues faceed by healthcare workers using information systems.

Detailed Description of Course

Topics include:

1) Function of IT in Healthcare
        a. Health Records
        b. Medical Equipment Communication
        c. Security

2) Electronic Health Records and Electronic Medical Records
        a. History of EHR and EMR
        b. Government Regulations
        c. Storage requirements
        d. Security requirements
        e. Data set standards
        f. Enterprise Resources Planning technologies

3) Workflows in Healthcare
        a. Classification vocabularies (ICDs)
        b. Coding Processes
        c. Quality Assessments
        d. Reimbursement Processes

4) HIPAA and Security
        a. Introduction to HIPAA
        b. Working with HIPAA protected data

5) Ethical and Legal Issues
        a. Responsibilities of the IT professional

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course will be taught in lecture format. Often, the course will employ student presentations.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students who complete this course will be able to:

1) Describe the role of information technology in healthcare context.
2) Discuss how medical equipment uses network technologies to communicate.
3) Explain the role and importance of networking security in a healthcare environment.
4) Describe the evolution of electronic medical records.
5) Understand the role that government plays in healthcare information technology.
6) Describe technologies requirements of healthcare enterprises for storing healthcare information.

Assessment Measures

Assessment of student achievement is measured by written tests and through projects and or homework assignments completed outside of class.

Other Course Information



Review and Approval

April 6, 2017