GEOG 280
Catalog Entry
GEOG 280. Regional Geography (SS) (WI) (GE) (3)
Three hours lecture
In-depth examination of a selected non-U.S. world region. Includes physical, socioeconomic, historical and contemporary spatial patterns. Region covered will vary from semester to semester. May be taken for credit more than once when regions differ.
Note(s): General Education and Cultural or Behavioral Analysis designated course.
Detailed Description of Course
This course introduces students to contemporary landscapes and peoples in one non-US region of the world from a spatial perspective. Today's spatial patterns are understood by examining natural, cultural and historical preconditions and changing economic and political interrelationships. Regional geography is by its very nature broad in scope, even if attention is confined to a relatively small portion of the earth’s surface. It introduces students to many of the multiple facets of geography as an academic pursuit, as the outline below indicates.
General outline of course content:
I. Introduction: discussion of common perceptions and misconceptions of the region
by citizens of the US
II. The Natural Setting
III. Peoples of the Region
IV. Settlement and Economic Activity
V. Country by country analysis of selected contemporary spatial patterns and trends
Different emphases will be given according to the interests and expertise of the various instructors.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
A lecture format prevails and is supplemented by outside readings, homework assignments, and discussion. Assignments emphasize description and explanation of spatial patterns and often involve the use or construction of maps in order to understand the ways human activities are structured across space.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
1. Goals specific to course:
Upon completion of this course, students will
Goals of General Education Program
Goals for Area 5. International and Intercultural Studies.
Goals for Area 8. Social and Behavioral Sciences
Assessment Measures
Assessment of a student's performance will be based on at least two midterm examinations, homework assignments, a term project and its presentation and a final comprehensive examination. It may also include quizzes, journals, portfolios and class participation in discussion. The weight of each assessment item will be determined by the individual instructor and announced during the first week of classes.
To assess the attainment of the broad general education goals, essay-type questions on exams and term papers/projects require synthesis of a variety of information related to both the natural and social sciences and presentation of that data in well-conceived narratives and graphics.
To assess the attainment of specific Area 5 goals, students will be asked in homework assignments, examinations, and projects to express a regional culture's characteristics in terms of the spatial patterns and interactions that form(ed) their area's unique environmental and historical milieu.
To assess the attainment of specific Area 8 goals, students will be challenged in assignments, exams and projects to demonstrate their skills in working with geographic data to interpret the ways human relations are structured across space, time and cultures.
Other Course Information
The region selected to be studied in a particular semester will be identified in the class schedule for that semester. For example: GEOG 280. Regional Geography: Russia.
September 2005 Reviewed Bernd H. Kuennecke
March 01, 2021