I. Course Title: Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education
II. Course Number: ESHE 384
III. Credit Hours: 3 credits
IV. Prerequisites: ESHE 210, ESHE 294, ESHE 307, and ESHE 371
Corequisites: ESHE 380 and ESHE 386
V. Course Description: This course is designed to enable teacher candidates to gain an understanding of developmentally appropriate physical education teaching practices for teaching secondary school children. Teacher candidates will plan, organize, and conduct physical education instruction for secondary students aged 13-18. Course content includes research-based principles of effective teaching as they relate to physical education.
Note(s): Applied Learning designated course.
VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:
The course builds upon previous courses taken by teacher candidates and addresses the fundamental instructional skills needed for successful teaching in middle and high school physical education. Teacher candidates will be provided opportunities to observe teachers and practice teaching in a classroom setting under the guidance of the university supervisor and public-school physical educators. The expectation of students in this course will include lesson and unit planning that contains appropriate content development, peer-teaching and assessment, and instruction of students in local secondary schools.
1. Secondary Instruction
a. Essential Components of Quality Secondary Physical Education
b. Impact of Physical Activity on Adolescents
2. Designing a Secondary Physical Education Program
a. Curriculum Approaches
i. Lifetime Physical Activity
ii. Cooperative Learning
iii. Personal/Social Responsibility
iv. Sport Education
v. Tactical Games
vi. Outdoor/Adventure Education
vii. Health-Related Fitness Education
viii. SPARK
b. National and State Standards
i. SHAPE Standards
ii. Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs)
3. Planning for Effective Instruction
i. Unit, Block, and Daily Lesson Planning
ii. Motivation
iii. Behavior Management & Discipline
iv. Teaching Styles
4. Assessment
a. Evaluation of Psychomotor Skills
b. Evaluation of Cognitive Knowledge
c. Evaluation of Affective Attitudes and Values
d. Evaluation of Social Skills (teamwork, sportsmanship, etc.)
5. Liability
a. Supervision
b. Accidents and Injuries
6. Physical Fitness Testing
7. Using Technology in Secondary Physical Education Instruction
8. Students with Disabilities
9. Implementing Instructional Activities
a. Introductory Activities
b. Fitness Activities
c. Lesson Activities
d. Game Activities
i. Team Sports
VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:
A variety of instructional methods may be used, including, but not limited to:
VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:
Goals, objectives, and assignments in this class address Society of Health and Physical Educators(SHAPE) (2015) and address Virginia Department of Education Health and Physical Education (VDOE HPE) Licensure Standards.
As a result of successfully completing this course, each teacher candidate will be able to:
VIII. Assessment Measures:
The students will be assessed using one or more of the following methods:
Other Course Information: None
Review and Approval
March 01, 2021