I. Course Title: Self-Defense Applications (GE)
II. Course Number: ESHE 310
III. Credit Hours: 3 credits
IV. Prerequisites: None
V. Course Description: Introduces students to the self defense applications of Japanese karate and jujitsu; Korean taekwondo and hapkido; and Chinese kung fu and tai chi. The concept of the multicultural martial arts matrix will be employed. Applications will be discussed for working with children in and out of K-12 settings.
Note(s): General Education Applied Learning designated course.
VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:
Lecture topics are supported by instruction in the physical skills of jujutsu, kung fu, and kali. During the first five weeks students are drilled in the fundamental stances and striking methods. The use of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean terminology is introduced. Basic stances, movement patterns, and rules of etiquette are emphasized. In this manner, the students develop an introductory level of skill while engaging in a training practice in which the Chinese/Japanese/Korean cultural values, pageantry, and rituals are performed.
VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:
The primary method for delineation of information is lecture. The format is greatly enhanced by ample demonstrations and, when appropriate, simulated experience of both verbal and physical interaction skills. Through the use of carefully orchestrated scenario encounters students are afforded the opportunity to act out actual situations requiring both spontaneous decision-making and awareness of cultural requirements governing the rules of play. Discussion and questioning follow situational scenario drills as students critically reflect about their encounters. Computer assisted technology is utilized to assist the students in networking information sources internationally. Use of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean terminology is presented. Role modeling and use of guest lectures, video performances are incorporated when appropriate.
VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:
VIII. Assessment Measures:
Assessments include but are not limited to:
Other Course Information: None
Review and Approval
April 2006 Reviewed by Beverly Zeakes
June 20, 2015
March 01, 2021