ESHE 307
Theory and Practice of Movement Concepts and Skill Themes
1. Catalog Entry
ESHE 307
Theory and Practice of Movement Concepts and Skill Themes
Credit hours (3)
This course is designed to enable teacher candidates to plan, organize, and conduct physical education instruction for elementary and middle school students ages 4-15. Course content includes an emphasis on skill themes (movements that can be performed) and movement concepts (how a skill is to be performed) to introduce the movement vocabulary and the basic skills of age-appropriate physical education instruction to teacher candidates. Course content will also include opportunities for students to experience instruction in instant activities, low-organized games, educational gymnastics and cooperative activities. Much of the information in this course will compliment material that will be presented in ESHE 380: Methods of Teaching Elementary Physical Education.
2. Detailed Description of Course
1) Movement Concepts
a. Space Awareness
i. Location
ii. Directions
iv. Pathways
v. Extensions
b. Effort
i. Time
ii. Force
c. Relationships
i. Shapes
ii. Actions
2) Introduction to Skills
a. Traveling
b. Jumping and Landing
i. Distance
ii. Height
c. Balancing
d. Transferring Weight, Rolling
e. Kicking and Punting
f. Throwing
i. Underhand
ii. Overhand
g. Catching
h. Volleying
i. Dribbling
j. Rackets and Paddles
k. Striking with Long Implements
3) Skill Theme Units
4) Integrated Activities
5) Instant Activities
6) Educational Gymnastics
7) Cooperative Activities
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
A variety of instructional methods including instructor-led activity clinics, lecture, small-group work, and team- and peer-teaching opportunities with the course instructor will help teacher candidates understand the philosophy and practical aspects of implementing a Skill Theme/Movement Concepts curricular model in physical education.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
Goals, objectives, and assignments in this class may address the following sets of
accreditation standards or guidelines;
1) Society of Health and Physical Educators/National Association for Sport and
Physical Education (SHAPE/NASPE).
2) Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC),
3) Virginia State Code for health and physical education p-12 teacher education
programs (VDOE HPE),
4) PRAXIS II Health and Physical Education Content Test 5857 (PRAXIS II HPE).
As a result of successfully completing this course, each teacher candidate will be
able to:
1) Demonstrate competent motor skill performance in a variety of physical activities;
(SHAPE/NASPE 1 & 2; Praxis II HPE)
2) Identify specific movement concepts and skill themes typically used in the
education curricula; (VDOE HPE 6; Praxis II HPE)
3) Demonstrate appropriate participation in activity clinics taught by peers and/or
course instructor;
4) Demonstrate the use of internet websites such as PE Central to gather appropriate
content relevant to peer-teaching an assigned activity;
5) Create a professional resource handbook that will include the following content:
1) Instant Activities, 2) Movement Concepts, 3) Skill Themes, (4) Cooperative
Activities, 5) Integrated Activities, and 6) Educational Gymnastics using
activities presented during the entirety of the course;
6) Teach assigned movement concepts, skill themes or related activities using
appropriate task progressions, playing strategies, key performance cues,
and safety concepts; (VDOE HPE 6; SHAPE/NASPE 1 & 2; InTASC 8)
7) Acquire, apply, and evaluate movement concepts and strategies to respond
confidently, competently, and creatively in a variety of physical activity
settings. (VSOLs)
5. Assessment Measures
Assessment measures may include one or more of the following methods:
1) Class participation in instructor and peer-taught lessons
2) Quizzes
3) Creation of professional resources handbook
4) Final exam
6. Other Course Information
Review and Approval