I. Course Title: Student Teaching in Social Studies Grades 6-12
II. Course Number: EDUC 669
III. Credit Hours: 6 credits
IV. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Early Field Experiences in Teaching Social Studies Grades 6-12 (EDUC 649 ) as demonstrated on the final early field experience evaluations; recommendation of the candidate’s university field supervisor.
V. Course Description:
This semester long full-time field experience provides teacher candidates extensive clinical experience in a grade level appropriate for licensure in social studies teaching at the middle level (grades 6-8) or secondary level (grades 6-12). Candidates design and deliver a wide variety of learning experiences in their placement with the advantage of mentorship and coaching provided by schools, licensed teachers, and university faculty. Candidates begin by observing and co-teaching with their cooperating teachers and then transition to assume full responsibility for appropriate social studies classes. Regularly scheduled seminars enhance professional development of the candidate and are included as a percentage of the student teaching grade.
VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:
During this clinical experience, candidates are placed in a middle/secondary (grades 6-12) social studies classroom with a certified cooperating teacher. The semester begins with the candidate completing observations of both the teacher and the students, learning about the school culture, and assisting the teacher as needed with day-to-day classroom tasks. As the semester progresses the candidate is given additional instructional responsibilities with students – individually and in small and large groups. The candidate also takes pedagogy classes and completes assignments in their classroom setting throughout the semester, culminating in a multi-day, candidate designed instructional sequence. During this time, the candidate teaches and assesses an instructional unit of study that they have planned. Candidates’ practices will utilize the Virginia Department of Education regulations for preparing educators and the National Council for the Social Studies National Standards for the Preparation of Social Studies Educators.
Weekly seminars are scheduled to enhance the professional development of candidates enrolled in this field experience and include, but are not limited to the following topics:
VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:
Candidate placements are made in appropriate social studies classrooms in grades 6-12. Candidates practice teaching diverse learners under the supervision of approved cooperating teachers and university supervisors. Candidates are embedded in schools full-time throughout the semester. Effective lesson planning, assessment, instructional delivery, and classroom management are key focus areas. The experience begins with observation and culminates in assumption of full teaching responsibility. The student teaching experience provides for a minimum of 300 clock hours with at least 150 hours spent supervised in direct teaching activities.
VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:
Goals, objectives, and assignments address the Virginia Department of Education regulations for preparing middle/secondary (grades 6-12) social studies educators. Candidates successfully completing this course will be able to demonstrate developing knowledge, skills, and dispositions of the following:
Goal 1: Demonstrate how the knowledge, skills, and processes of history and social science disciplines as defined by the Virginia History and Social Science Standards of Learning apply to design, instruction, and assessment.
Teacher candidates will be able to…
Goal 2: Develop learning plans that leverage social studies knowledge and literacies, technology, and theory and research to support the civic competence of learners.
Teacher candidates will be able to…
Goal 3: Design and implement effective instructional and assessment practices.
Teacher candidates will be able to…
Goal 4: Use knowledge of diverse learners to plan and implement relevant and responsive pedagogy, create collaborative and interdisciplinary learning environment, and prepare diverse learners to be informed advocates for an inclusive and equitable society.
Teacher candidates will be able to…
Goal 5: Reflect and expand upon social studies knowledge, inquiry skills, and civic dispositions to advance social justice and promote human rights through informed action in schools and/or communities.
Teacher candidates will be able to…
VIII. Assessment Measures:
Assessment of teaching in student teaching is both formative and summative and is collaboratively completed by the by the classroom teacher and University faculty. Evaluation is based upon the INTASC Standards for Beginning Teachers which are embedded in the Teacher Candidate Evaluation forms.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
Ann Roberts and Darren Minarik, November 2019