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ECON 330

ECON 330: Money and Banking

Prerequisites: ECON 205

Credit hours (3)

A study of the functions of money in economic society and of the impact of monetary policy on national income, prices, employment, and interest rates.  The role of banking in the money supply process is examined.  


Detailed Description of Course

The course covers the definition and role of money in the economy.  It also focuses on the monetary sector of the economy and describes its structure, its operation, and its interaction with the real sector.  The role of the central banking on the production of money and conduct of monetary policy is highlighted.  Finally, the monetary aspects of International Relations are studied.  

Topic Outline

 1.   Nature and Functions of Money and Finance

 2.  Commercial Banking

 3.  Central Banking

 4.  Monetary Theory

 5.  Money, Interest Rates, and the Economy

 6.  International Monetary Relations


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The following teaching strategies may be employed:

Lectures, videos, discussions, n-class and/or at-home activities and assignments.

Goals and Objectives of the Course
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

1)   Define money and explain its significance.
2)  Analyze the financial sector of the economy. (SLO1, SLO2, SLO5)
3)  Discuss the determinants of security prices and interest rates.
4)  Explain structure of the banking sector and the behavior of the banking firm. (SLO2, SLO5)
5)  Explain the process of money creation.
6)  Analyze determinants of money demand.
7)  Discuss the structure of Central Banking. (SLO1, SLO2)
8) Analyze monetary policy, its instruments, goals, and conduct. (SLO1, SLO2)

Assessment Measures

The following assessment measures may be employed: Tests, quizzes, homework, reports, presentations, or class participation. Grades and percentages depend on individual professors.

Other Course Information



Review and Approval

November 2018
September 2, 2014
December 2013 C. Vehorn
April 16, 2012
December 2004 N. Hashemzadeh