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EDEC 698

EDEC 698: Directed Study in Early Childhood

Prerequisites: Approval of advisor, department chair and Directed Study form submitted to the Graduate College

Hours and credit to be arranged

See “Directed Study” section in the Graduate Catalog.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This study is collaboratively designed by the student and the supervising professor.  This semi-autonomous, independent work allows the student to pursue in-depth study of a particular aspect of the field of early childhood education.

With the supervising professor’s approval, the student will develop a proposal for the directed study.  If approved, this proposal will guide the content, goals and objectives, and assessment of the directed study.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The conduct of the course will depend upon the type of study the student engages in.  The supervising professor and student will meet regularly to monitor student work and progress in the directed study.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Goals and objectives of the directed study will be mutually determined by the student and the supervising professor.


Assessment Measures

Assessment measures will be appropriate to the topic of study and the goals and objectives of the directed study.  Assessment measures may include research projects, written analyses, creative writings or projects, journals, reflections, reports, presentations, etc.


Other Course information
