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DSN 670

DSN 670: Environment Behavior

Prerequisite: Graduate standing in MFA – Design Thinking concentration

Credit Hours: (3)
This online course will review theories on environment behavior, introduce observational strategies and meanings of relationships to the environment.


Detailed Description of Course

Content: This course will focus on environment behavior research theories; how the environment impacts behaviors; observational skill development and intervention protocols. Fundamentals of research design, sampling, data collection, and data analysis are explored as qualitative techniques to study environment behavior.        

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course will be delivered using an online format. Students will have access to online lectures, readings, discussion boards or other developing technologies.

Goals and Objectives of this Course:

To master the basics of environment behavior theories, the student must apply:
    1. observation methods, strategies, and techniques in a research situation;
    2. human behavioral and design theories to specific research applications;
    3. ethical issues related to human subjects;
    4. the research process of identifying and articulating a problem, preparing a literature review, and collecting and analyzing data; and
    5. both quantitative and qualitative research methods with an emphasis on qualitative methods.

The student must demonstrate an awareness of:
    6. the relationships between people and people, people and place, and people and products;
    7. the meanings of behaviors; and
    8. the value of observing thoughtless acts, traces of human use, and failing to act.


The student will be able to:
    1. apply team work structures and dynamics;
    2. collaborate, build consensus, develop leadership skills and work in teams; and
    3. collaborate among and integrate multiple disciplines’ perspectives.


The student will be able to:
    1. express ideas clearly in oral, written and graphic formats;
    2. write a project brief; and
    3. process information using convergent/divergent thinking and analysis and synthesis strategies.


The student must demonstrate the ability to:
1. develop assignments using multiple digital formats.

Assessment Measures

May include but is not limited to project(s), design brief, behavioral maps, discussion threads on reading assignments.

Other Course Information
