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COSD 698

COSD 698: Directed Study

Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission

Credit Hours: (1-4) One to four hours of directed independent study

Subject to approval of the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department the semester before it is to be offered. Students may take a maximum of six hours of directed study and no more than four hours credit per study. Pass/Fail.See “Directed Study” section in Graduate Catalog.


Detailed Description of the Course

The purpose of the course is to allow advanced graduate students in-depth study in content areas of interest to them. The area of study chosen may not be covered in other courses. New areas of research and theory will be investigated in the course.

Topics recommended are those that address diversity, technology, prevention, assessment &/or intervention in the field of communication sciences and disorders.


Detailed Description of Content of the Course

The student and faculty adviser plan how the study is to be conducted. The plan is approved by department curriculum committee, and Dean of the Graduate College.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

The goals and objectives for the course are for students:


1. to acquire an understanding of the skills needed for independent study.
2. to evaluate critically a specific problem or problems.



Assessment Measures

To be arranged by student and faculty adviser and approved by Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders curriculum committee.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

September 2001 Reviewed for content Raymond Linville, Chair