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COMS 552

COMS 552
International Film and Electronic Media

1.     Catalog Entry

COMS 552
International Film and Electronic Media
Credit hours (3)

This course focuses on the study of electronic media and film produced outside of the United States, including developing nations and emphasizes aesthetic, social, cultural, economic, political and religious forces which shape media.

2.     Detailed Description of Course

The course is designed to examine the American worldview derived from media systems, particularly film and television.  This worldview is not necessarily shared by other countries and it is important to see ourselves as others see us.  Major producers and exporters of media, the United States in particular, tend to dominate world markets and create unidirectional flows of information and entertainment with powerful cultural impacts.  Reactions to the USA, on the part of developing countries may be quite complex.  This course, which is run primarily as a seminar, will look at a variety of film and television traditions, the cultures from which they are formed, and how these issues impact our understanding of ourselves and others.  Topics covered will include critical and cultural analyses of various films and television shows, the economics of various film and media industries, and what role these media play in their own countries and in the international media world.  

3.    Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course is run primarily as a seminar typically meeting twice a week to view and discuss films.  Instructional and learning strategies and activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Lecture and discussion led by the instructor
• In-class discussion
• Individual and group oral presentations
• Informal and formal in-class and out-of-class writing assignments
• Short papers
• Individual and collaborative research activities involving library and Internet searches
• Written and oral analysis of films and/or text
• Guest lecturers/presenters

4.     Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students will demonstrate an awareness of broader economic, political and social forces that shape national and international film production.  Students will demonstrate an understanding of broadcast systems other than those of the U.S.A., and how they are regulated and controlled.  Students will demonstrate the ability to discuss and critically analyze concepts of culture, history, and media systems in a global context and develop more cultural sensitivity.

5.    Assessment Measures

Students’ learning may be evaluated by but not limited to the following methods:

• Graded and ungraded written assignments to measure the student’s ability to read and view texts carefully, to identify underlying values and assumptions, and to articulate central concepts.
• Journals or short writing assignments to measure the development of self-reflection and progress in critical and creative thinking about the ideas, issues, and texts of the course.
• Class discussions to measure the student’s logical and practical reasoning and oral communication skills as well as the student’s ability to work with others in a collaborative process.
• Individual and group oral presentations to measure the student’s understanding of the topics as well as the student’s ability to present reasonable and persuasive arguments.
• Quizzes and objective tests to measure the student’s basic knowledge of the course material and the student’s ability to read carefully and think with clarity.
• Essay exams to measure the student’s understanding of the nature and methods of ethical inquiry, knowledge of the course material, and ability to communicate with clarity.
• Formal papers to measure the student’s understanding of the topics and issues of the course.

6.    Other Course Information


Review and Approval

February 10, 2014