COMS 473: Advertising Production
Prerequisites: COMS 130 (with a “C” or higher), COMS 173, COMS 226, COMS 231, COMS 330 (with a “C” or higher), or permission of instructor.
Credit Hours: (3) Four hours lecture and laboratory
Advertising design and production for print, broadcast and digital media.
Detailed Description of Content of Course
The introduction to this course deals with the role of advertising within a marketing system, and the primary content has to do with the "creative" aspects of advertising, specifically, writing advertising copy and creating rough layouts or visualizations. Students execute creative project assignments that involve:
Developing a marketing/advertising history
2. Introducing a new product
3. Developing a copy platform (essential product information)
4. Creating a campaign theme
5. Designing and writing advertising for the product or service, with individual adaptation
of the
6. Adaptation of the individualized product to a variety of media
Detailed Description of the Conduct of Course
A team approach to creating advertising is used but individual assignments will be called for. Typically, groups of 4-6 students will be given a packet of background information and a series of assignments relating to the creation of an advertising campaign. The assignments will include visualization exercises for newspaper and magazine advertising, and copy/script writing for both print and electronic media. Groups will be required to make oral presentations of their proposed campaigns.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
1. To understand the role of advertising within a dynamic marketing system
2. To determine the relationships between the creative aspects of advertising and
the market research aspects
3. To develop skills in adapting advertising messages to specific media
4. To exercise skills in conceptualization and visualization
5. To write advertising copy and creating rough layouts for advertising in various
Assessment Measures
Both group and individual assignments are prepared for hypothetical and/or real clients. Deadlines are established for each stage of a project and students are graded on adherence to initial guidelines, depth of research, originality and execution of the campaign theme.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
Joe Flickinger, Chair
May, 2011
November, 2018