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COMS 173

COMS 173: Advertising in a Digital World

Credit Hours: (3)

Instructional Method: Three hours lecture.

Note(s): Applied Learning designated course.  Advertising students must earn a “C” or better in this course in order take COMS 483.

This course provides a foundation for the field of advertising in today’s digital world. Advertising’s historical development, problems and challenges, and the skills needed to function in the new digital landscape that is advertising communication are all discussed. This includes an overview of advertising’s creativity, decision-making, media management, and analytical strategies.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course is lecture-based, combined with class discussion and class/group activities where possible. Students will be asked to monitor advertising in all the media through assigned papers, critiquing good and bad examples of advertising based on concepts learned in the course. Current media articles will be provided by the instructor, to keep the course timely as to activities in the field, and as such materials are pertinent to course content. Video and audio examples, plus print samples, will be used extensively. Through this course, students should develop an understanding of the role of advertising in our society, in the business world, and in our lives - including social, ethical and regulatory concerns.  Advertising students must earn a “C” or better in this course in order take COMS 483.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Lecture materials and text book assignments will cover such issues as legislative and regulatory, consumers and consumer research, strategies and targets of advertising, what makes good ads, a review of the media and how advertising is accomplished in each, headlines and writing, logos and brands, ad agencies and related firms, ethics and taste in advertising, attention to minorities, clutter, contrasting and relating advertising with public relations, and the future of advertising and jobs.


Student Learning Outcomes

To make students aware of the role of advertising in society, in the media, and in business; inform students of the types and purposes of advertising in all its forms; help students understand agencies and other creators and buyers of advertising; help students to be aware of advertising methodology, including forming of strategies and selecting target markets; and assist students in assessing and dealing with advertising problems and issues, from clutter to regulation and from issues of ethics to questions about public service and public relations.


Assessment Measures

1. Regular class attendance and participation in class/group activities and discussions
2. Graded ad critique papers on good and bad examples of advertising
3. Mid-term and Final exams on the lecture topics, textbook readings, and materials provided in class.


Other Course Information

Primary textbook (Fall, 1998) is ADVERTISING PRINCIPLES, Bergh and Katz, 1999 edition, NTC Books.


Review and Approval

Joe Flickinger, Chair

May 2011

March 01, 2021

Revised June, 2023