CHEM 461
Catalog Entry
CHEM 461. Advanced Organic Chemistry
Three hours lecture (3).
Prerequisite: CHEM 302
Study of advanced topics in organic chemistry.
Note(s): Applied Learning designated course.
Detailed Description of the Content of the Course
This course is for students with a strong interest in organic chemistry; particularly those students planning careers and/or graduate programs that require a knowledge of the subject. An outline of topics covered is: The exact content of the course may vary from year to year depending on student interest, but the following topics are usually included:
1. Review of the principles of stereoisomerism including isomer numbers, optical activity,
specification of configuration, stereoselective and stereospecific reactions, enantiotopic
and diastereotropic ligands and faces.
2. Use of the principles of stereochemistry in the study of reaction mechanisms in
organic chemistry and biochemistry including biological oxidation-reduction reactions
and nucleophilic substitution reactions.
3. Molecular orbitals: wave equations, aromatic character, orbital symmetry effects
or concerted reactions.
Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course
The course uses a lecture format with the student encouraged to ask questions and discuss the material being covered. Outside reading and homework are required.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
To help students prepare for graduate study and/or careers requiring a knowledge of organic chemistry. The material presented is required for advanced study in organic chemistry and biochemistry, but often omitted from a first year organic chemistry course due to time limitation. Thus 461 is of benefit to those students entering graduate programs or going directly into jobs involving research in organic chemistry or biochemistry.
Assessment Measures
The students earn grades dependent on their test scores and the quality of their homework. Two tests and a final examination are given.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
September 2001 Reviewed by Walter S. Jaronski, Chair
March 01, 2021