BLAW 306: Entertainment Law
Prerequisites: BLAW 203 or permission of instructor
Credit Hours: (3)
This course provides a study of the legal aspects of the entertainment industry. Particular attention will be paid to contracts and contract implications, copyright law, and licensing concerns. Union issues, agency, and international implications will also be addressed.
Detailed Description of Course
The Music Industry
The Theater Industry
The Film Industry
Sports and Entertainment
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
This class is best suited for lectures, followed by discussions of the topics, and team or individual assignments delving into the topics in greater detail. Students will need to use the internet to research differing rules and laws in different jurisdictions for similar activities. Students are also expected to develop a model contract in one of the specific areas, reflecting each student's particular interest in a particular area of entertainment.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
Having successfully completed this course, students will have an awareness and an appreciation for the contract implications in various areas of entertainment. They will also be aware of copyright concerns and implications, and possible copyright infringement areas. They will also become aware of special rules that apply to minors in the entertainment fields and how these rules affect the general area of entertainment law.
Assessment Measures
Students will be assessed by means some combination of examinations, presentations, written assignments, and class participation.
Other Course Information
Various books dealing with different aspects of entertainment law will be used. Among the types of books to be used are:
Review and Approval
September 2001 Reviewed Dr. Dan Davidson, Chair