BIOL 405
1. Catalog Entry
BIOL 405
Credit hours (4) Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory
Prerequisite: A grade of "C" or better in at least 4 hours of anatomy and/or physiology
courses BIOL 310, BIOL 311, BIOL 322, BIOL 351, BIOL 410, or BIOL 411.
An introduction to components, arrangements and adaptations of vertebrate animal tissues.
Taught from a comparative perspective, but with special emphasis on mammalian tissues
and mammalian organ systems.
2. Detailed Description of Course
1) Lecture
a. Introduction
i. Microscopy
ii. Overview of Cell Components and the Cell Cycle
iii. Overview of Vertebrate Anatomy and Development
b. Primary Tissue Types
i. Epithelia
ii. Connective Tissues
iii. Muscle
iv. Nervous Tissue
c. Histology of the Organ Systems
i. Cardiovascular System
ii. Lymphatic System
iii. Integumentary System
iv. Digestive System
v. Respiratory System
vi. Urinary System
vii. Endocrine System
viii.Male and Female Reproductive Systems
ix. Central Nervous System
x. Special Sensory Organs
2) Laboratory
a. Analysis of prepared slides using the compound light microscope
i. Study of basic cell structure and epithelial types
ii. Study of connective tissues
iii. Study of muscle and nervous tissues
iv. Study of the integument
v. Study of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
vi. Study of the digestive system
vii. Study of the respiratory system and the urinary system
viii.Study of the male and female reproductive systems
ix. Study of the endocrine system
b. Histotechnology
i. Introduction to micro-techniques and project design
ii. Tissue fixation, dehydration and embedding
iii. Sectioning tissues and preparing slides
iv. Staining
v. Examination and analysis of tissues using compound light microscopy
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
The lecture portion of the course may be conducted using a variety of techniques and
aids in addition to the traditional lecture format. A variety of visual aids including
images of slides, videos, and computer-generated graphics may be used to enhance the
lectures. Class discussion will be encouraged. The laboratory experience will consist
of two parts. The microscopy portion of the lab will be devoted to the examination
and analysis of prepared samples using compound light microscopy. The histotechnology
portion of the lab may be devoted to short, independent research projects. Students
will learn techniques necessary for preparing tissue samples for light microscopy,
and will then analyze slides they make to answer basic research questions.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
Having successfully completed this course the student will be able to:
1) Use the compound light microscope to identify the primary mammalian tissue
types, as well as the histology of the
mammalian organ systems.
2) Discuss the relationships between structure and function of tissues examined.
3) Make predictions about function based on structure even when they have not
previously seen the tissue.
4) Describe how tissues are prepared for light microscopy
5) Use these methods to prepare at least one tissue type for investigation
6) Use histological techniques to answer scientific questions in anatomy
5. Assessment Measures
Each student will be tested on his or her knowledge of histology through a variety of tests and quizzes that may include illustrated essays, matching and multiple response questions, and identification of structures in microscopic sections and whole mounts. Each student may be required to write a research report for an independent lab project, and will be assessed on the ability to design and carry out his or her research. Students may also be evaluated on their contributions to discussions.
6. Other Course Information
Review and Approval
March 18, 2005
June 20, 2015