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ARTH 414

ARTH 414: Special Topics in Pre-Modern Art History

Prerequisites: ART 215 or ART 216 or permission of instructor

Credit Hours: (3)

Topics offered might include a period defined more narrowly than “ancient/classical” (ART 410) or “medieval” (ART 411) – early Christian iconography, for example – or they may approach the period from a focus on a key monument (Hagia Sophia, for example), key medium (illuminated manuscripts), or a social/economic topic of importance to the period.

Detailed Description of Course

This will vary each time the course is offered.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The course will be conducted as a seminar with readings, group or individual presentations, examination of art materials in museums and archives (when available), and independent research projects. Projects completed in this class may generate the research to be undertaken for the capstone.

Student Goals and Objectives of the Course

Need to be stated in terms of student outcomes. What are the major learning objectives: What new capabilities, skills, levels of awareness, etc. will students derive from the course? Example: "Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to . . ." For a General Education Course, in addition to a statement of course-specific goals and objectives, include a description of the broad general education program goals and the goals established for the particular knowledge area of the program as these goals will be addressed in this course.

Assessment Measures

Assessment will be based on course participation and the level of achievement in the research paper. Each step in the research process will be critiqued and contribute to the final grade.

Other Course Information

Examples: Bibliography of readings relevant to the course, special teaching aids, and any other information not contained in one of the above sections.
Bibliographies and other materials will vary with each topic.

Review and Approval

