Psychology Specializations
Experimental Specialization
As a student in this specialization, you will gain advanced training in research methodology
and data analysis while learning the core principles of psychology like social, learning,
cognitive, developmental, neuroscience, psychopharmacology. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator Matt Eckard Ph.D.
Industrial/Organizational Specialization
Students studying the I/O specialization will get to examine what motivates people
to work, what techniques are available for training skills and changing attitudes,
and the reciprocal social influence between the individual and the organization. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jay Caughron, Ph.D. phone: 540-831-5361.
School Psychology Specialization
Students in the school psychology program earn both an M.S. degree in Psychology and
an Ed.S. degree in School Psychology. The M.S. degree is conferred following successful
completion of year 1 in the program (34 credits) and the Ed.S. degree is earned following
successful completion of all 3 years in the program (73 credits).
Clinical-Counseling Specialization - not currently accepting new students for 2024-2025
academic year.
This specialization provides students with a strong theoretical and applied foundation
in mental health counseling and prepares them to assess, counsel, and treat a wide
range of mental health problems. Students will receive training in a wide variety
of areas.