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Women's and Gender Studies

The Women's and Gender Studies minor provides an interdisciplinary and global perspective on women, their contributions to society, the effects of systemic inequalities on their lives, and their activism to create social change. 

campus community at Women's History Month celebration

The Women's Studies Club was established in March 2006 with a mission to create a more positive environment, promoting justice and equality for all people regardless of class, ethnicity, gender, race, religious beliefs, sex, or sexuality. For more information, contact the club faculty advisor Zehui Dai, Ph.D.

Safe Zone

The Safe Zone at Radford University program has multiple functions: 1. It creates allies for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and queer members of our community. 2. It confronts homophobia and challenges heterosexism. 3. It is a resource for all students, faculty, and staff, continues education on LGBTQ issues, and above all, creates a safe, welcoming, and comfortable place for LGBTQ people on the Radford University campus and in the surrounding community. To join the listserve, please contact Michele Ren, Ph.D.

Women's and Gender Studies Committee

We welcome faculty and staff who are interested in serving on the Women's and Gender Studies Advisory Committee. For more information contact Jamie L. McDaniel, Ph.D.

Research Databases at McConnell Library

There are 22 databases provided for Women's and Gender Studies. For more information contact the Library Help Desk.