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Headshot of Sarah Capello

Sarah Capello earned a Ph.D. in Administrative and Policy Studies in 2018 from the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh and has ten years of experience teaching in higher education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. One strand of Capello’s research focuses on transformative EdD education and the preparation of PK-12 educational leaders as scholarly practitioners. She is particularly interested in rethinking research methodology courses, doctoral assessments, and dissertations in EdD programs. A second strand of research focuses on instructional supervision for pre-service and in-service teachers, particularly expanding and supporting the role of the university supervisor. 

Capello has published articles in academic journals such as Teaching and Teacher Education, Teaching in Higher Education, Action in Teacher Education, Impacting Education, Journal of Educational Supervision, and the American Journal of Distance Education. Several of these publications, as well as conference presentations and grant writing activities, have been conducted in partnership with current and former students. She currently teaches practitioner inquiry courses in the EdD program and chairs and serves on EdD dissertation committees.