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Headshot of Mary Evans

Mary Evans has been an instructor at Radford for the past four years and teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. Course topics include Introduction to Students who Access Adapted Curriculum; Characteristics of Learners with Disabilities who Access the General Education Curriculum; IEP, Assessment and Program Planning for Adapted Curriculum; Characteristics of Students with Severe Disabilities; and Collaborative Consultation and Communication Skills for Special Education. She also supervises students in the field during their graduate internships in special education.  Evans has a special interest in inclusive education with a focus on best practices and instructional programming for students who access adapted curriculum. She has presented about best inclusive practices locally, nationally and internationally.

Previously, Evans taught for 27 years in Montgomery County Public Schools as a special education teacher, two years as a coordinator of special education (positive behavior supports and adapted curriculum), and two years as an adapted curriculum coach, supporting special education teachers in the county with programming and best inclusive practices for students accessing adapted curriculum. Ms. Evans also taught classes as an adjunct instructor in special education at Radford University for eight years.