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Teaching and research interests: public relations, IMC, gender communication

Lisa Baker Webster is an Associate Professor of Communication at Radford University and is currently serving as the Interim Director of the School Of Communication. She earned two master degrees from The University of Alabama and her doctorate from Bowling Green State University. Lisa Baker Webster currently serves as the Coordinator for the Communication Studies major in our School. 

Publications and Research

French, S. L., Baker, L. E. (2013). Tales from the Tenure-Track: The Necessity of Social Support in Balancing the Challenges of Tenure and Motherhood. Mothers in Academia. Columbia University Press.

Stanaland, A. J. S., Webster, L. B., Taylor, R. L. (2009). Direct and Interactive Marketing in IMC Education: Marketing vs. Mass Communication Approaches. International Journal of IMC, 1(1), 43-56.

Baker, L. E. (2009). "Professor for a Day". Best Practices in Teaching of Diversity. Columbia, SC: Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication.